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C. C. Medina


C. C. Medina

My name is C.C. Medina but I am really the literary creation of two different people. They gave me life! Though I am a figment of their imagination or a craving or a desperation, I have taken on a persona all my own. Indeed, they can't write without me. So who am I really? Here goes....

C.C. stands for Carolina and Carlos, my creators in the flesh. They are married, have been for 24 years this July. You could say I am the ultimate wedding anniversary present, though I was a difficult birth. It took them 2.5 years to get me out. Anyway, these two have two fantastic kids. Nicole, who is 16, and Sonora who is four. The fantastic thing about them is that they have the same parents. That has to be a record now-a-days. This American family of Cuban descent lives and loves in Miami, Florida, the Hyphen capital of the world. Ahora, a few words about Carolina Hospital. Si, that is her REAL last name. When she went to the marriage registrar to get the license, the clerk smirked. "I'll bet you're glad to get rid of that name." Carolina, in her diplomatically direct way, gave her a dirty look and said, "No. It is a name from a small town in the Pyrenees and I like it." The clerk smirked again. You just can't budge a clerk.

So, she is a professor of Literature and Composition as well as a poet and established expert on Hispanic literature in the U.S.A. She wrote a few really ground-breaking anthologies and other stuff. Once in a while, when the mood strikes her, she'll write essays on pregnancy, Cuban bodies, husbands of pregnant wives, nature walks, food as life, and sex. Ahora si! I got your attention. She was a writer among 13 who contributed to the New York Time's Best Seller list's "Naked Came the Manatee." In Miami, anything is possible...

Carolina likes to bike ride, garden, cook, read, talk, paint, play dominoes, and dance the night away. With Carlos of course. Carlos Medina, whose last name in el mundo Latino is as common as Smith, but with an added twist, in Arabic it means ghetto, is the guy-side of me. He is tall, tanned, blondish, and muscular as well as smart and suave. Not really, but I like to tease him with all sorts of fictional possibilities! In truth, he is a cross between Harrison Ford and Woody Allen.

Carlos is a Middle School teacher and a sailing coach down on the Coconut Grove side of Miami. He loves kids and has been a storyteller as well as a ham. The most significant thing he has done in his life is be the official clown at Sonora's 4th birthday party. Why is this so significant? Sonora smiled a lot.

He has been recognized as Teacher of the Year and Peace Educator of the Year, as well as an educational innovator. You might be asking yourself why me? Why did they create me, C.C. Medina? Well, I came in the night while Carolina was reading her poetry on a city sidewalk and Carlos was watching. I was looking for a place to stay, to express my most inner yearnings, my secrets, my desires, my loves and my lifes. I possessed them that night. And they haven't been the same since. Read A Little Love and you'll see what I mean....

C. C. Medina

Books by C. C. Medina

by C. C. Medina - Fiction

Set to the distinctly Latin beat of Miami, C. C. Medina's debut novel introduces four Hispanic women, their lives, loves, and, most of all, their friendship. From the bedrooms to the bars, from the dance floors to their kitchen tables, follow these amigas.