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June Park


June Park

Born and educated in England, June Park first trained as a ballerina and performed in many theatrical productions until a nursing career beckoned her. An avid reader, she cut her teeth on Dickens and Austen and every encyclopedia she could lay her hands on. But become a writer? Never occurred to me, she says. I thought most writers were ordained by God that others went mad in attics, while others fell prey to alcohol in Paris, so what chance did I have? I wasn¹t overly religious, I lacked an attic, and I had no plans to go abroad.

Park, an ardent people watcher, feels compelled to write stories hinting of discrimination, and about women scrimping and struggling to raise themselves and their children‹not always well, but the best they know how. Now a multi-award winning author, she is now at work on her second novel.

June Park

Books by June Park