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September 16, 2010

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month

Posted by Dana

In today's post, regular contributor Denise Neary urges us to support our local libraries the way they support us.  She reminds us of all the fantastic free services we can enjoy just for fun and all the vital services the library provides for those who desperately need them.

SmartestCard_EngBlue998.jpgThe library card:  it’s everywhere you need to be

Sound the trumpets!

September is library card sign-up month!  For more on this campaign, check out this site:

What does the card provide?  Perpetual access to books, periodicals, movies, reference materials, internet, audios, key government information, and more, all yours free!

I would bet that most people reading this post have always been fans of the library, and have happy memories of trolling the library as a child.

If you haven’t been lately, make it a point to visit your local library.  And when you are there, look around. There are people standing in line to use the internet because they don’t have access at home. There are parents and children asking assistance from the reference librarian on homework concerns. There are story times for young children, book discussion sessions for readers, public events.

To some of us, the library is a wonderful convenience and treasure; to others, life changing access to information.

Mention that you are in a book club to a librarian, and see how many resources tumble your way.  Different libraries have different resources, but librarians all share a desire to get books into the hands of readers. Many libraries host book clubs; all have information about how to sustain those groups.  And some lucky clubs have librarians who serve as fairy godmothers and godfathers----reserving groups of books for the club, holding meeting space, planning special events.

Check out your library. And if there is anyone in your life without a library card (especially a young person), consider celebrating September by taking them to the library and signing them up for the card that gives access to the world. 

-- Denise Neary, Regular Contributor