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December 27, 2010

Top 5 Ways To Procrastinate at Work

Posted by Dana

iStock_000009670137XSmall.jpgIf you're unfortunate enough to be back stuck behind your desk today, so sorry!  The week between Christmas and New Year's is somehow both the easiest and the most difficult time to be back at work.

Easy - because your boss is probably off on vacation enjoying the time of his or her life and you probably have very little work to do.  But difficult for the exact same reason.  You have very little work to do.  So, tick, tock, tick, tock... clock watching becomes the order of the day.  Unless you go for one of these fabulous procrastination suggestions for book club members everwhere:

1.  Shop the after holiday book sales right there at your desk - Barnes & Noble has 50 - 75% off, Borders has some great deals on biographies just to name a few.  But check out all your favorite online book resources.  They've all got a deal on.

2. Download an online reader like Kindle or Adobe Digital Editions or check out Google eBooks and just hang out at your desk and read all day.  Everyone will think you're hard at work.

3. Surf and plan your book club list for the upcoming year.  (Okay sure, a little blatant self-promotion there - no harm, no foul).

4. Surf some cooking sites and plan your next appetizer or dessert masterpiece for book club.  My daughter recommends and she is an excellent time waster.

5. Try  Check out their book channel for some really cool book sites.  Believe me you can stuck in the stumbleupon world for hours at a time.

So procrastinate away Book Lovers.  Just don't tell your boss it was my idea.  Really go on.  Enjoy it...Next thing you know it will be 5PM.  And then you only have to get through the rest of the week!

-- Dana Barrett, Contributing Editor