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Last month, we talked about innovative things that book clubs may do during the summer to allow for thinking outside the box. Jani shared this: “In 1997, 22 of us who had read the first three Outlander books met online, and for many years afterward, we had gatherings all over the U.S. We had a mini-gathering in Western New York this weekend and had Outlander-inspired tea on Friday.” Above you can see a lovely picture of how the table was set for their special tea party.

Summer book group meetings often take on a lighter tone. Some members are traveling, and others are tugged away by family obligations. My young moms book group met the other night, and we discussed MRS. EVERYTHING by Jennifer Weiner. We typically meet in a firehouse; this means that no one has to cook or clean, which is lovely. Last month, the air conditioning at the firehouse was broken (it’s since been repaired), and we decided to take our discussion to a member’s home for each of the summer months for a change of pace. Julia was a lovely hostess; she also is an amazing baker and always makes a wonderful creation inspired by the book or its setting. She went for something with cherries here as MRS. EVERYTHING opens in Detroit, and her research noted that Michigan is known for its cherries. Just fabulous!