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Editorial Content for State of Wonder


Reviewer (text)

Norah Piehl

It's probably impossible to avoid making comparisons between Ann Patchett's new novel STATE OF WONDER and Joseph Conrad's classic novella "Heart of Darkness," so I'm not even going to try. The bones of the stories are the same: a young protégé heads into the heart of the jungle, charged with finding a powerful, elusive figure whose activities seem vaguely menacing and whose ties to civilization appear to have been severed on purpose. The mood, the cast of characters, and the nature of what our intrepid outsider finds in the rainforest are deeply different, however --- and that's part of the point.

Readers will likely share Marina's impatience as she languishes in hot, bug-infested Manaus, waiting for Dr. Swenson's allow her access to Dr. Swenson's whereabouts.

When she commits a surgical mistake while performing a C-section, however, Marina's crisis of confidence --- as much as the threat of malpractice lawsuits --- cause her to switch direction and pursue a career in pharmaceutical research instead. Now in her early 40s, she works for Vogel, a large pharmaceutical company in the Twin Cities, enjoying (if not exactly loving) her comfortable lifestyle and her secret romance with the company's CEO, Mr. Fox.

Her romantic relationship complicates things when her colleague, Anders Eckman --- who had been sent to Brazil to gauge progress on Vogel's significant financial investment in Dr. Swenson's new, highly classified research --- dies of a fever. With no body to return to his young family and no clues as to how or even where he died, Anders's widow begs Marina to return to Brazil to find answers. Mr. Fox begs her to continue Anders's work of investigating what Dr. Swenson is up to --- and when she'll have a commercially viable drug to show for her work.

Readers will likely share Marina's impatience as she languishes in hot, bug-infested Manaus, waiting for Dr. Swenson's gatekeepers (a young bohemian couple who seem better suited to surfing and sunbathing than to security) to allow her access to Dr. Swenson's whereabouts. Circumstances seem to conspire to leave Marina with fewer and fewer belongings and resources, fewer modern conveniences to stand between herself and the primeval forest. Too much time to think --- not to mention Marina's horrific nightmares caused by her anti-malarial medication --- results in dredging up old memories she thought she'd successfully vanquished. When Dr. Swenson herself appears on the scene, accompanied by a young native deaf boy who was fond of Anders, Marina seizes the opportunity to accompany her feared and admired former mentor into the heart of darkness --- only to be continually confounded by the wonders and horrors she finds there.

Some of the horrors --- giant snakes, deadly fevers, enormous bugs and bats, rumors of cannibalistic tribes --- are the stuff of nightmares themselves, the menacing trappings of a hostile environment. "It never was remarkable that Anders had died," Marina considers after she has spent some time at Dr. Swenson's remote research station, "the remarkable thing was that the rest of them were managing to live in a place for which they were so fundamentally unsuited."

But the more profound jungle terrors are the ones that will haunt readers long after they themselves have returned from the jungle, having to do with the moral dilemmas Marina confronts, with the broader issues of controversial drug development, native assimilation, and the exploitation of the natural world, and with the far more personal --- and devastating --- choices Marina herself makes. A different sort of darkness than Conrad paints, for sure, but one whose murky depths contain both beauty and betrayal. 


Dr. Marina Singh is sent to Brazil to track down her former mentor, who seems to have disappeared in the Amazon while working on what is destined to be a valuable new drug. She also hopes to find answers to questions about another friend's death, the state of her company's future, and her own past.


Dr. Marina Singh is sent to Brazil to track down her former mentor, who seems to have disappeared in the Amazon while working on what is destined to be a valuable new drug. She also hopes to find answers to questions about another friend's death, the state of her company's future, and her own past.

About the Book

Ann Patchett has dazzled readers with her award-winning books, including The Magician's Assistant and the New York Times bestselling Bel Canto. Now she raises the bar with State of Wonder, a provocative and ambitious novel set deep in the Amazon jungle.

Dr. Marina Singh, a research scientist with a Minnesota pharmaceutical company, is sent to Brazil to track down her former mentor, Dr. Annick Swenson, who seems to have all but disappeared in the Amazon while working on what is destined to be an extremely valuable new drug, the development of which has already cost the company a fortune. Nothing about Marina's assignment is easy: not only does no one know where Dr. Swenson is, but the last person who was sent to find her, Marina's research partner Anders Eckman, died before he could complete his mission. Plagued by trepidation, Marina embarks on an odyssey into the insect-infested jungle in hopes of finding her former mentor as well as answers to several troubling questions about her friend's death, the state of her company's future, and her own past.

Once found, Dr. Swenson, now in her seventies, is as ruthless and uncompromising as she ever was back in the days of Grand Rounds at Johns Hopkins. With a combination of science and subterfuge, she dominates her research team and the natives she is studying with the force of an imperial ruler. But while she is as threatening as anything the jungle has to offer, the greatest sacrifices to be made are the ones Dr. Swenson asks of herself, and will ultimately ask of Marina, who finds she may still be unable to live up to her teacher's expectations.

In a narrative replete with poison arrows, devouring snakes, and a neighboring tribe of cannibals, State of Wonder is a world unto itself, where unlikely beauty stands beside unimaginable loss. It is a tale that leads the reader into the very heart of darkness, and then shows us what lies on the other side.

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Readers will likely share Marina's impatience as she languishes in hot, bug-infested Manaus, waiting for Dr. Swenson's gatekeepers (a young bohemian couple who seem better suited to surfing and sunbathing than to security) to allow her access to Dr. Swenson's whereabouts.