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Editorial Content for Original Sin: A Sally Sin Adventure

Reviewer (text)

Sarah Rachel Egelman

Spies. Though in reality they are supposed to blend into their surroundings and call no attention to themselves, in literature and film they are often too dashing, beautiful and extraordinarily stylish, not to mention clever and resourceful, to hide in the shadows. In ORIGINAL SIN, the first Sally Sin Adventure by Beth McMullen, the image of the spy is turned on its head in the titular character. Though many debonair and classic spy-types are present here, McMullen's Sally Sin is an undercover agent like no other.

"ORIGINAL SIN is a great first outing for this debut author and a fine introduction to a fun, mysterious and likable character."

This is the story of Lucy Hamilton, aka Sally Sin, a former spy for the USAWMD. Handpicked right out of college for service, Lucy traveled the world securing intelligence and offing bad guys. A bit bumbling perhaps, and occasionally lacking the expected confidence and grace, she nevertheless is a very good spy. After nine years of untiring work, Lucy retires from her job, marries the man of her dreams, and settles down to raise their son, Theo, in San Francisco. But leaving behind a job, even one where her co-workers were always being killed and villains were constantly kidnapping her, turns out to be more difficult than she thought it would be.

Lucy's cultivated paranoia is justified when her old boss, the enigmatic Simon Still, shows up and tells her he has a job for her to do. Try as she might, she cannot say no, especially when she learns it involves her nemesis, Ian Blackwell, thought dead for years.

With Simon's appearance and the fact that Blackwell is nearby, Lucy begins to recall what brought her to the USAWMD and all the adventures and dangers she experienced. At the center of her career was Blackwell, often her captor but never taking the chance to kill her when he had it. What is it that brought them together so often? Was it desire or revulsion they felt for each other? Even as Lucy contemplates the path she chose, the reasons she diverged from it and her professional successes and failures, she is once again in the maelstrom of the spy game. Stakes are even higher this time as she is confronted with the reality that her true identity may be discovered by her husband and, worse, the possibility that her son could be harmed.

Apart from this compelling back story and interesting twist on the spy novel, much of what you expect from the genre remains intact. Blackwell is charming and tormented, and Simon is cold and emotionless. And Lucy is lovely, brave and smart. There is plenty of intrigue and dastardly bad guys, plus action galore. There are also meals to prepare, play dates to schedule and yoga classes to attend as Lucy attempts to live a normal life with her family.

Readers are set up nicely for more Sally Sin books to follow as McMullen leaves plenty of unanswered questions. ORIGINAL SIN is a great first outing for this debut author and a fine introduction to a fun, mysterious and likable character.


A former U.S. spy turned stay-at-home mother of a toddler tries to find a most elusive work-life balance when the USAWMD (United States Agency for Weapons of Mass Destruction) decides it desperately requires her services again, and calls her back into the field.


A former U.S. spy turned stay-at-home mother of a toddler tries to find a most elusive work-life balance when the USAWMD (United States Agency for Weapons of Mass Destruction) decides it desperately requires her services again, and calls her back into the field.

About the Book

After falling in love and making a quick exit from her nine-year career in the USAWMD (United States Agency for Weapons of Mass Destruction), ex-spy Sally Sin does her best to become Lucy Hamilton, a stay-at-home mom in San Francisco. No one, not even her adoring husband Will, knows about her secret agent escapades chasing no-good masterminds through perilous jungles, escaping evil assassins, and playing dangerous games of cat and mouse with her old nemesis, Ian Blackford, a notorious and dashing illegal arms dealer.

In her new life as Lucy Hamilton, she squeezes inside forts crafted from couch cushions by her three-year-old son Theo, makes organic applesauce, and frequents the zoo. But sometimes her well-honed spy reflexes refuse to lay low. She can't help breaking into her own house to check on the babysitter or stop herself from tossing the yoga instructor who gets on her nerves. And when Ian Blackford, who is supposed to be dead, once again starts causing trouble for the USAWMD, the agency becomes desperate to get Sally back on the job.

How can Sally or Lucy or whatever her name is save the planet while at the same time keeping her own family's world from spinning out of control?

Every bit as much fun as a spy-mom thriller ought to be, ORIGINAL SIN is a fast-paced adventure story for mothers and spies, and anyone who has ever dreamed about being either.