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Fragile by Lisa Unger

Everybody knows everybody in The Hollows, a quaint, charming town outside of New York City. It's a place where neighbors keep an eye on one another's kids, where people say hello in the grocery store, and where high school cliques and antics are never quite forgotten.

Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine, September 2002

I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint --- and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.


Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine, September 2002

Editorial content for Silver Sparrow


Reviewer (text)

Melanie Smith

Have you ever wondered what life would be like growing up in a family of bigamists? The situation seems unthinkable, but it happens. I'm not referring to a strange polygamist cult with unusual beliefs and an alternate lifestyle. I'm speaking of ordinary folks just like you and me, except that they live in secret and hide from the ones they love. Read More



In a middle-class neighborhood in Atlanta in the 1980s, James Witherspoon has two families --- the public one and the secret one. When the daughters from each family meet and form a friendship, only one of them knows they are sisters.


In a middle-class neighborhood in Atlanta in the 1980s, James Witherspoon has two families --- the public one and the secret one. When the daughters from each family meet and form a friendship, only one of them knows they are sisters. 

About the Book

With the opening line of Silver Sparrow, “My father, James Witherspoon, is a bigamist,” author Tayari Jones unveils a breathtaking story about a man’s deception, a family’s complicity, and the two teenage girls caught in the middle.

Set in a middle-class neighborhood in Atlanta in the 1980s, the novel revolves around James Witherspoon’s two families --- the public one and the secret one. When the daughters from each family meet and form a friendship, only one of them knows they are sisters. It is a relationship destined to explode. This is the third stunning novel from an author deemed “one of the most important writers of her generation” (the Atlanta Journal Constitution).

Thomas Merton

The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little.


Thomas Merton
May 23, 2011's Summer Reading Contests

Posted by Stephen
Summer is upon us! At, this means it's time for us to share some great summer book picks with our Summer Reading Contest and Feature.

Alice Walker

What the mind doesn't understand, it worships or fears.


Alice Walker

Paula Poundstone

Adults are always asking children what they want to be when they grow up because they're looking for ideas.


Paula Poundstone

Robert Frost

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on.


Robert Frost

Johnny Depp

The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.


Johnny Depp
May 19, 2011

Now the whole family can enjoy Enzo!

Posted by Stephen
"The race is long. It is better to drive within oneself and finish the race behind the other than it is to drive too hard and crash."