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Author Talk: Pete Hamill, author of Tabloid City

May 6, 2011

Pete Hamill is an American journalist, novelist, essayist, editor and educator.

Charlotte Bronte, JANE EYRE

If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.


Charlotte Bronte, JANE EYRE
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To be or not to be. That's not really a question.


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Editorial content for Indelible


Rescuing a toddler from the jaws of a mountain lion, Trevor MacDaniel, a high-country outfitter, sets in motion events he can't foresee.

About the Book

In a clash of light and darkness, can courage prevail?

Rescuing a toddler from the jaws of a mountain lion, Trevor MacDaniel, a high-country outfitter, sets in motion events he can't foresee. His act of bravery entwines his life with gifted sculptor Natalie Reeve --- and attracts a grim admirer.

Trevor's need to guard and protect is born of tragedy, prompting his decision to become a search and rescue volunteer. Natalie's gift of sculpting comes from an unusual disability that seeks release through her creative hands. In each other they see strength and courage as they face an incomprehensible foe.

When a troubled soul views Trevor as archangel and adversary, Redford's peaceful mountain community is threatened. Together with Police Chief Jonah Westfall, Trevor presses his limits to combat the menace who targets the most helpless and innocent.

INDELIBLE © Copyright 2011 by Kristen Heitzmann. Reprinted with permission by WaterBrook Press. All rights reserved.

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