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Does your group read bestsellers?

January 1, 2003, 386 voters

Does your group do anything special for the holidays?

December 1, 2002, 243 voters

Have your book group discussions made you a more critical reader?

November 1, 2002, 245 voters

Interview: Jeanne Breaselton , author of A False Sense of Well Being

Oct 1, 2001

Kaye Gibbons: Interviewers always ask the same questions, don't they? What time of day do you write? Do you use a computer or write longhand? Who are your favorite writers? Why do you write about the South? What is the role of the Southern writer in society? What makes Southern literature unique?

Jeanne Braselton: Oh my, yes. Let's not talk about that.

KG: After being asked a few too many of these sorts of questions, I have to fight the urge to give completely ludicrous answers.

Interview: Nicholas Sparks, author of A Bend in the Road

Sep 28, 2001

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, THE NOTEBOOK, A WALK TO REMEMBER and A BEND IN THE ROAD are love stories, but don't call them "romance novels." Find out why --- along with why we should be careful not to confuse "easy-to-read" with low brow lit and why all love stories inevitably involve tragedy --- in writer Jana Siciliano's conversation with bestselling author Nicholas Sparks.

: Michael C. White, author of A Dream of Wolves

Jan 23, 2001

Q. Where did the idea for the novel come?

—Tornoto Globe and Mail

—USA Today

—The Memphis Commercial Appeal

—The Boston Sunday Globe