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Critical Praise

" Grabs us at the most visceral level . . . .Benítez's clear writing and considerable imagination enable her to make the political personal, luminous, and even comic. "-Ms."Packs an emotional punch . . . .A compelling read. "- Boston Globe"Explores passion, politics, love, death, and betrayal in an intricately plotted mystery . . . . Moving and lyrical. "- Minneapolis Star Tribune"Engaging and involving . . . .Packed with exquisite detail . . ..entirely captivating. "- Austin American-Statesman"It's hard not to get hooked. "- St. Louis Post-Dispatch"A story of passion, politics, death, and love . . . .This is the kind of book that fills your dreams for weeks. "- Isabel Allende" A vivid chronicle of strong women facing the challenges of living in sad and violent times. "- Kirkus Reviews