Love Fraud: How Marriage to a Sociopath Fulfilled My Spiritual Plan
About the Book
Love Fraud: How Marriage to a Sociopath Fulfilled My Spiritual Plan
What is it really like to be hooked by a sociopath? And if it happens, how do you recover and rebuild your life?
Donna Andersen thought she’d married the man of her dreams. James Montgomery promised her love, wealth and a happy family. But the promises were lies, which cost Donna almost everything she had --- her money, her self-confidence, her identity.
With the skill and lavish description of a fiction writer, Donna paints a picture of the sociopath spinning his web of deceit. But this story is completely true, and with unflinching honesty, Donna reveals how she fell for the scam, and her own deep vulnerabilities that made her susceptible to the sociopath’s charms in the first place.
She takes the reader along as she fights on two fronts --- trying to hold her sociopathic husband accountable, and trying to reclaim her sense of self. The effort sends Donna on an unexpected, and somewhat unwelcome, spiritual journey. Slowly, she learns that there is a reason for the experience. It is part of a larger plan.
Love Fraud is more than the story of a woman betrayed --- although the depth and breadth of the betrayal is shocking. It is a highly personal account of dealing with, and ultimately overcoming, the betrayal. It is a story of triumph.
Millions of sociopaths live among us, yet most of us don’t know they exist. Donna Andersen was once one of the uninformed. But after her disastrous marriage to a man who she now believes is a sociopath, she has written this book, Love Fraud: How Marriage to a Sociopath Fulfilled My Spiritual Plan, to tell the rest of us what they’re really all about.
Love Fraud: How Marriage to a Sociopath Fulfilled My Spiritual Plan
- Publication Date: August 25, 2010
- Hardcover: 632 pages
- Publisher: Anderly Publishing
- ISBN-10: 0982705700
- ISBN-13: 9780982705704