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About the Book

Of One Mind

The life --- or death --- of a teen with a traumatic brain injury could be determined by a controversial experimental procedure that may unlock a previously undiscovered level of consciousness.

Kyle Nichols, a teenage baseball player with major-league potential, lies in a hospital bed after suffering a traumatic brain injury with a devastating twist. He is fully conscious and expected to survive but is completely paralyzed and unable to communicate. Kristen, Kyle’s mother, has no way to know his wishes, so she is forced into an unspeakable choice: transfer Kyle to a long-term care facility where he could linger for decades, mute and helpless, or provide him with a gentle death by ending his life support.

Although Kristen is wary of experimental procedures, Kyle’s beloved Uncle Owen pursues any treatment that might improve the boy’s quality of life. He connects with neuroscientist Dr. Rene Elder, whose new research is devoted to helping people with brain trauma regain their voices and agency. Her experiments uncover a radical new way to connect with patients, challenging Rene with revelations far beyond her imagination. As Rene and Owen rush to confirm the method’s potential for helping Kyle communicate his wishes, they face strong resistance from both Kristen and the medical establishment. Hanging in the balance is Kyle’s right to make this decision for himself: Life or death?

A brilliant debut novel that challenges all we know about consciousness and existence, OF ONE MIND explores the depths of love, loss, belief --- and the wonders of the universe.

Of One Mind
by JB Maerten

  • Publication Date: June 19, 2024
  • Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction
  • Paperback: 359 pages
  • Publisher: Serious Wonder Press
  • ISBN-10: 1145569266
  • ISBN-13: 9798989841400