Critical Praise
"There is much tension in the court....There are conspiracies and spies all over....[Her] other novels are gloriously multi-linear, having several plot lines and an abundance of characters; The Queen's Man is skillfully linear, having one plot line and only characters associated with that line. She is equally successful with either form....Her prose is rich, her dialogue is masterful, never trite....Penman is simply one of the classiest acts in today's literary world. "
———Courier—Times (Roxboro, NC)
"Penman carries on her story telling with an...inventive plot [with]...numerous, plausible characters whose fate we will want to follow in future books....She has made her characters truly evil, her prison scenes horrific and her whores conveniently heartless....The subtle weaving of current topics...provides an interesting underlying comment on the times. "
———Austin American Statesman
"It is through the characters created from her imagination that Penman manages to create a believable twelfth century environment. "
———Chicago Tribune
"The sounds of swordplay and bodices being ripped are loud and frequent....Readers will cheer Justin's return in future adventures. "
———Publishers Weekly
"Murders pop up throughout The Queen's Man, and betrayal seems to be a running theme. Author Penman paints detailed pictures of life on both sides of the street (rich and poor) in 12th century England. "
———San Antonio Express Times
"Penman here applies to mystery her talent for historical fiction....Well researched, credibly plotted, realistically detailed, and undeniably entertaining. "
———Library Journal
"Readers...will be caught up in this masterfully told tale. Penman's authentic period details, larger-than-life characters, and fast-paced plot add up to great reading for both mystery fans and history buffs. "
"A graceful style, plus a plot rich in local color, puts this among the most attractive by far of the recent spate of mysteries set in medieval times. "
———Kirkus Reviews
"Once you enter Penman's world, you're hooked. "
———Seattle Post—Intelligencer
"Her writing is faultless, deftly interweaving the threads of the various storylines into a glowing, living tapestry. This is storytelling at its finest. "
———The Philadelphia Inquirer
"Penman manages to illuminate the alien shadowland of the Middle Ages and populate it with vital characters whose politics and passions are as vivid as our own. She writes about the medieval world with vigor, compassion, and clarity. "
———San Francisco Chronicle