Ray Bradbury

Dark Carnival (1947)
The Golden Apples of the Sun (1950)
The Martian Chronicles (1950)
The Illustrated Man (1951)
Fahrenheit 451 (1953)
The October Country (1956)
The Day It Rained Forever (1959)
A Medicine For Melancholy (1959)
Twice 22 (1959)
R Is for Rocket (1960)
Something Wicked This Way Comes (1962)
The Anthem Sprinters and Other Antics (1963)
The Machineries of Joy (1964)
S Is for Space (1966)
I Sing the Body Electric (1969)
Fever Dream And Other Fantasies (1970)
The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit: And Other Plays (1972)
Pillar of Fire and Other Plays (1973)
Long After Midnight (1976)
The Small Assassin (1976)
Twin Hieroglyphs That Swim the River Dust (1978)
This Attic Where the Meadow Greens (1979)
To Sing Strange Songs (1979)
The Ghosts of Forever (1980)
Dinosaur Tales (1983)
A Memory of Murder (1984)
The Smile (1984)
Dandelion Wine (1985)
Death is a Lonely Business (1986)
The Million Year Picnic: And Other Stories (1986)
Fever Dream (Night Lights) (1987)
A Sound of Thunder (1987)
The Toynbee Convector (1988)
Quicker Than The Eye (1992)
A Graveyard for Lunatics (1994)
The Ravine and Here There Be Tigers (1994)
Driving Blind (1997)
Dogs Think That Every Day is Christmas (1997)
With Cat for Comforter (1997)
A Chapbook for Burnt Out Priests, Rabbis And Ministers (1998)
Kaleidoscope (1998)
Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines (1998)
From the Dust Returned (1999)
One More for the Road (2002)
An Illustrated Life (2002)
Let's All Kill Constance (2002)
Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (2003)
The Cat's Pajamas: Stories (2004)
Farewell Summer (2006)
Now and Forever: Somewhere a Band is Playing & Leviathan '99 (2007)
We'll Always Have Paris: Stories (2009)
A Pleasure to Burn (2010)
The Collected Stories of Rad Bradbury (2011)
Ray Bradbury