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Editorial Content for Adrenaline

Reviewer (text)

Joe Hartlaub

If there was ever an entity that deserved an award for truth-in-packaging, it would be Jeff Abbott’s new novel. “Adrenaline” is defined as a hormone produced in high-stress situations; in this fabulous new thriller, both protagonist and reader, over the course of 400 or so pages, will manufacture buckets of it and burn it all off to boot. Read More


CIA agent Sam Capra loses everything that matters to him when an unknown enemy sets him up as a traitor. As he goes on a desperate search for his wife and child, he finds out his destruction is only one part of an extraordinary plot.

About the Book

Sam Capra --- brilliant CIA agent, loving husband, expectant father --- loses everything that matters to him in a horrifying moment in London. An unknown enemy has set him up as a traitor. But that enemy has targeted the wrong man. Escaping from the CIA, Sam goes on a desperate hunt for the killer who stole his family and to save his kidnapped wife and child. But the destruction of Sam's life was only step one in an extraordinary plot --- and now Sam Capra must become a new kind of hero.

August 4, 2011


Posted by Stephen
I only belonged to a book club once, when I was about ten years old, and
August 2, 2011

Sena Jeter Naslund: ADAM & EVE

Posted by Stephen
From time to time, I’ve asked myself, as almost all of us have, “What would I be like just to start over?” Haunted by the question, I decided to create just such a story.

Laura Lippman promotion

What percentage of your book group members are using eReaders?

August 1, 2011, 431 voters

August 2011

August is shaping up to be a big month for movie releases based on books. The eagerly awaited adaptation of The Help by Kathryn Stockett hits theaters on August 10th --- and I am seeing it with a few other staffers on Thursday; I’m sure many of you feel the same way. By the way, our intern declined to join as she had not yet read the book, which I think means "read the book first" skills have properly been impressed upon her! The Help was voted the top discussion book of the past 10 years in last year’s 10th Anniversary Contest and has been a fixture on the bestseller lists since its release in February 2009. I can’t wait to read your thoughts on the film version, and please let me know if your group is doing anything special to celebrate its release.

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July 26, 2011

Howlin' at the Moon

Posted by Stephen
Glen Duncan's literary thriller The Last Werewolf is garnering acclaim around the world.
by Ellen Feldman - Fiction, Historical Fiction

In Next to Love by Ellen Feldman, three young women --- Babe, Millie and Grace --- who live in a small town in Massachusetts all send the men they love off to fight in World War II. Not everyone returns, and those who do are profoundly changed, reminding us that the scars of war run deeper than the day that victory is won. This character-rich story begins before the men head out and continues right through the early ’60s.

July 25, 2011

Margaret Leroy: THE SOLDIER'S WIFE -- Part II

Posted by Stephen