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September 2008

This newsletter is arriving in your mailboxes a tad later than we planned this month, but there is a reason. I just kept coming up with more to add to it. I am not kidding. I joke that, when I travel, I come up with ideas. Well, this summer I traveled a lot, so there was lots of time for thinking. Now that I have stopped traveling --- I am going nowhere for the entire month of September --- I am getting some new projects and programs into play.

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Louis Bayard, author of The Black Tower

Welcome to Paris, c. 1818. After the execution of Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI, and the death of their son, the Dauphin, the Bourbon monarchy has at last been restored.

Beverly Barton, author of Cold Hearted

A Black Widow is killing the men in her life and walking away with the cash. As an investigator closes in on her, they find themselves in a cat and mouse game where anyone may be the next victim --- even him.

Matt Rothschild, author of Dumbfounded: Big Money. Big Hair. Big Problems. or Why Having It All Isn't for Sissies.

The only Jewish family in a luxury Fifth Avenue building of WASPs, the senior Rothschilds took over the responsibility of raising their grandson, Matt, after his mother left him for Italy and a fourth husband.

Andrew Davidson, author of The Gargoyle

The narrator of THE GARGOYLE is a very contemporary cynic, physically beautiful and sexually adept, who dwells in the moral vacuum that is modern life.

Have increased gas costs changed your bookbuying habits?

August 1, 2008, 267 voters

August 2008

I have zipped across the country so much this summer that I am glad that this weekend I am confining my adventures to the pool chair and hammock here at the house. Seriously I zipped back and forth over the midsection of the country and up and down the East Coast so much that I am ready to send a holiday card to Larry Kellner, the CEO of Continental, as I have seen him on the opening video more than I have seen most of my friends.

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C. W. Gortner, author of The Last Queen

Juana of Castile, the last queen of Spanish blood to inherit her country’s throne, has been for centuries an enigmatic figure shrouded in lurid myth. Was she the bereft widow of legend who was driven mad by her loss, or has history misjudged a woman who was ahead of her time?

Which of the following social networking websites do you belong to? Check as many as apply.

July 1, 2008, 252 voters

July 2008

Last week I spent some time at the American Library Association Convention in Anaheim, which was a wonderful celebration of books and reading. Librarians are wildly enthusiastic about books and authors --- and they ask smart questions and provoke thoughtful replies when they are at panels and speeches.

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