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Julia Spencer-Fleming, author of I Shall Not Want

People die. Marriages fail. In the small Adirondack town of Millers Kill, New York, however, life doesn’t stop for heartbreak.

Lucie Whitehouse, author of The House at Midnight

On an icy winter weekend, seven friends celebrate New Year’s Eve at Stoneborough, a grand manor in the English countryside. They’ve been brought together by Lucas Heathfield, a young man who recently inherited the property after the tragic death of his uncle Patrick.

Pondering the books that you like to read for book group discussion, which of these best describes why you read?

June 1, 2008, 831 voters

June 2008

Here in New York we are experiencing a heat wave that has the pavement melting. Literally. I know I wanted warm weather, but I think I wished a tad too hard. Next time I will wish in moderation.

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Tana French, author of In the Woods

In the mid-1980s in a small suburban Dublin neighborhood, two boys and a girl enter the woods surrounding the neighborhood on a warm summer day. As dusk approaches and their mothers call them home, the woods remain silent.

Jeff Shaara, author of The Steel Wave: A Novel of World War II

General Dwight Eisenhower once again commands a diverse army that must find its single purpose in the destruction of Hitler’s European fortress. His primary subordinates, Omar Bradley and Bernard Montgomery, must prove that this unique blend of Allied armies can successfully confront the might of Adolf Hitler’s forces, who have already conquered Western Europe.

Mariah Stewart, author of Mercy Street

On a balmy spring evening, four high school seniors --- three boys and a girl --- enter a park in the small Pennsylvania city of Conroy. The next morning, two of the boys are found shot to death, and the girl and the third boy are gone.

Jane Porter, author of Mrs. Perfect

For Taylor Young, life is very good. She has a handsome husband who loves her, three gorgeous children, a personally designed and decorated dream house.

If you know you are not going to be able to make your book club meeting, do you still read the selected book?

May 1, 2008, 655 voters

May 2008

I hear the birds in the morning these days, but the temperatures still are in the 40s. Hmmmm, this is not a very merry month of May in the New York area. This weekend I am taking a welcome break to guaranteed warm weather as I head to Grand Cayman and Coral Gables to participate in book club events for Books & Books, one of my favorite independent bookstores. In Grand Cayman, Lisa See, the author of Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and Peony in Love, will be the author guest. I had the pleasure of hearing Lisa speak at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books with her mom, Carolyn See (author The Handyman, among other titles) last month. Their dialogue was such fun that I felt like I was sitting across the kitchen table from them. You can read more about my adventures at the book festival here and here, as I wrote two blogs about this trip. I know Lisa is close to completing her next book, and I hope to have more to share with you about it next month.

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