Happy Thanksgiving!
I am jotting this blog post before I race off to make Thanksgiving dinner. Since cooking Thanksgiving dinner is all about chopping and I am not good at brandishing a knife, I should add band aids to the list of ingredients to have on hand. I also just remembered I am going to need to make gravy tomorrow, and I confess that never is my favorite thing. However, making pecan pie, stuffing and cranberry sauce should make up for that. Those I do enjoy.
As you gather with family and friends, I am sure that you will be asking what they are reading. I am all for informal book club discussions over the stove, the sink and the dinner table. I think that conversations about books while stirring, washing and drying will make the time fly by. And think what you will learn about your dining companions. Think of this as the one-day book club, and Thanksgiving will take on a whole new angle.
Also, another Thanksgiving weekend task: peruse others' bookshelves, especially if you do not know them well. You can get to know people better by the books that they read, or at least display.
Have a great Thanksgiving...we give thanks for you!
November 26, 2008
One-Day Thanksgiving Book Club