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July 6, 2009

Book Clubs in the News

Posted by carol
Of the four stories in this round-up of reading group-related news articles, three of them are's book clubs, which we don't hear about all that often. Wrapping things up is a story about a New York State book club marking an impressive milestone --- 40 years.

Boston Globe: Where the Guys Are
Find out what's happening at a few men's book clubs in Massachusetts.

Ashland Daily Tidings: Book Clubs for Men
In response to the Boston Globe article about men's book clubs, Angela Howe-Decker delves into the topic on the opposite coast and writes that guys in Ashland, Oregon, "were book-clubbing before it was hip."

Star Telegram: Boys' Book Club of Fort Worth Shares Love of Reading, Discussing Wide-Ranging Topics
In Fort Worth, Texas, every other month for the past five years, eight men have gathered to talk about books and a whole lot more. Peruse their complete reading list, which includes To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah and other interesting selections.

The Daily Star: On the Bright Side: Oneonta Book Club Celebrates 40th
An Oneonta, New York, book club recently marked its 40th anniversary. Members share what has kept the club going for four decades.