Or not.
Listen, I love a good story. Whether it's written by William Shakespeare or J.K. Rowling doesn't matter to me. I am not ashamed to admit I enjoyed the whole Harry Potter series and read them each the week they came out. And I'm not ashamed to say that I dig Stephenie Meyers' Twilight series either. (Though I have so much to read these days for work that I haven't finished them all yet).
So whether this info is for you - or someone you love, here's the deal:
The new book is an Eclipse novella based on one of the "new" vampires introduced in Eclipse. It's called The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. It comes out officially on June 5th and is available for pre-order most everywhere as of yesterday afternoon.
And here are some cool additional things to know:
- The book will be available for FREE online from noon on June 7th until July 5th at http://www.breetanner.com. Stephenie says it's her gift to her fans.
- $1 from each book sold goes to the American Red Cross to help in Haiti and Chile.
So - I know you don't really care. But just in case you do...
-- Dana Barrett, Contributing Editor