Readers know Kelly Corrigan for her books, THE MIDDLE PLACE and LIFT. Here her mom, Mary Corrigan, shares what she remembers about Kelly as a writer --- and a reader. And watch this really fun video where you can see how this mom promotes her daughter, the author at her local store!
Did you read to your daughter as a child? What did you read?
Yes of course. She was the third and the only girl so we probably read her books about trucks and ice hockey.
How old was your daughter when she started reading?
I think it was kindergarten. She wasn't ahead of her class or behind. Just right in the pack.
Did your child have a favorite series/author growing up?
She collected all the Nancy Drews. I don't know that she read them but she wanted the whole collection.
Did you
have any book or reading rituals in your house? (Examples would be: Going to the library or bookstore together, talking about the books you have read, sharing books, storytime)
Now, when Kelly brings her children to see me, the first thing we do is go to the library to pick out books and movies for the visit. And then, before they leave, we spend 24 hours trying to collect them to return them.
When did you know your daughter was going to be a writer?
was big on writing letters to us, to her friends. She kept a journal. She worked hard on toasts for special occasions. Maybe those were clues. She was an English major and did well, really well, in college. But I don't think any of thought she would turn pro with writing. But clearly, she can tell a story, and she always could.
Can you remember your daughter writing as a child?
Just letters. Long long letters from Camp Tockwogh every August.
Do you read advance copies of your daughter’s work?
I read whatever she sends me as soon as she sends it. But she doesn't hand her work to me before it's mostly finished. I do find typos though!
Do you have a favorite of your daughter’s books?
She only has two so far --- THE MIDDLE PLACE and LIFT! And I think they are both really good.
What kinds of books do you enjoy reading?
I like fiction. No vampire stuff. I like stories about families.
What authors, besides your daughter’s books, do you read?
I just read SARAH’S KEY by Tatiana de Rsonay and loved it. The book I have given out the most is probably COLD SASSY TREE by Olive Ann Burns. And my favorite old book is MY ANTONIA by Willa Cather. I gave that to Kelly when she moved west.
Kelly Corrigan is the bestselling memoirist of THE MIDDLE PLACE and LIFT, both available in stores now.