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As I write this note, I am making lists and making piles. I leave tomorrow for the Miami Book Fair International, the fifth time I have attended this wonderful multi-day booklover's dream event. More than 350 authors will gather there to talk books this week and through the weekend. Nirvana. I travel a lot, which the Sagittarian in me just LOVES, and have made lists of what I need for day trips, short trips and long trips that I click down when packing. But somehow, the night before I still find myself up way later than I planned, adding things to my itinerary, making notes on places and people I want to see in whatever city I am headed to, winding yarn for projects to knit while traveling, deciding what books to take with me, making last-minute notes for the staff in New York, and plotting little details to make my hotel room comfortable and my trip just a bit more special.