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Archives - Reading Group Guides Newsletter

The other day, I answered a piece of mail from a reader about a discussion guide, and I got a note back saying she was surprised she had gotten a reply. I try my best to answer email either with a response or in our newsletters. I often use the latter when it’s a question that I have posed to the entire group. This week, I tried to answer a reader’s request for a discussion guide --- twice --- and both times her email bounced back to me. Frustrating, as I know she is expecting an answer, and I am trying to get it to her.

August is one of those months that I wish would just slooooow down. Seriously. While many around the country are back in the school routine, we still are clinging to lazy days in the northeast. On our sites we can see the shift back to “schedules” and “routines” by early August. July is the only month of the year where there are no schools in session, giving it a very light feeling. By August, no matter how old you are, those back-to-school vibes are building. In the back of my head, I can hear the school buses revving up.