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Archives - Reading Group Guides Newsletter

We have done so many events these past few weeks, which has given us lots of time to connect with readers. In the span of just eight days, we did five events for book lovers and librarians. It was both exciting and exhilarating --- and yes, by the end I was a wee bit cross-eyed from the pace. I saw so much enthusiasm for books out now and those that are coming. We are sharing links to so much this month, which will give you an opportunity to have this same kind of experience...with just the exciting and exhilarating part!

For many these days, vaccinations have taken place and lives are moving into some version of what I am calling “The New Normal.” Perhaps your book group is meeting in person again. Perhaps you are gearing up to take a vacation. I know. What used to seem like things we took for granted are now things we are pondering how to resume. Where DID we leave off?