ReadingGroupGuides.com Newsletter |
February 2014 |
Reading as Relaxation
It’s been a long cold winter…and here in the New York area, more snow and ice is predicted for Thursday. Last Thursday night, after driving home from our office in the city, I noticed that the light was on to indicate that my car needed gas. On Monday morning, I turned on the car and the light was blinking again. Until that moment, I had not realized that I had not left the house for three days! I have been fighting a cold/cough and decided a quiet weekend was in order. I spent those 72 hours reading, knitting and watching Olympics coverage. There are so many commercials on the latter that one very easily can read whole chapters in between events. It was so relaxing.
On Sunday morning, I read this piece in the New York Times about unplugging from social media and email and what it meant for one young woman. What did she do? She read a book! I have been talking about this article all week, and reactions from people have been interesting. One young publishing contact who we met with said that she just subscribed to the print New York Times. She likes the act of sitting down with the paper and reading it. I feel very strongly that talking shorthand in 140 characters and reading in sound bites is getting old. Last weekend, I felt myself unwinding, relaxing and wrapping myself around every book that I read. I was submerged into stories, and from there I escaped. It was blissful, and I intend to hit rewind on this for the three-day weekend ahead. Does reading relax you too?
So much fun news for you this month…
First, thanks to all of you who have shared feedback about the redesign on our site. Your input has been so valuable. We still are tweaking; until users really start clicking around, we cannot see some of the small pending issues. Some of the tweaks require programmers getting involved, and thus some changes to smooth things out will take us a bit more time, but know we are making progress on them!
Something for you to note. With the new design, we are striving to update our content more often --- and there is lots more to read --- so plan to stop by during the month, not just when our newsletter arrives in your mailbox. Have you registered your book group with us? If not, click here to do that. We send a second newsletter to our Registered Book Groups each month, and we strive to have offers there first! And many offers are exclusively offered to our registered book groups.
How would you like your group to win dinner with an author? Well, that is what #1 New York Times bestselling author Robyn Carr is offering readers to celebrate the March 25th publication of her novel, FOUR FRIENDS. Robyn will fly to meet with one book group and take them to dinner to discuss FOUR FRIENDS. She will host this special evening at a restaurant local to you and your group on one of these three nights: Monday, March 31st, Tuesday, April 1st, or Wednesday, April 2nd. Also, each member of the group will be awarded a copy of the book, which will be shipped to the group coordinator in early March once the contest ends. To enter, please fill out this form by Wednesday, February 26th at noon ET.
Please note: If you and your group are selected as the winner of this contest, you will be contacted via phone and email on Wednesday, February 26th to confirm your availability. Upon confirmation, your information will be shared with the author to schedule the chat and dinner, and we will arrange for the books to be sent to one person in the group. Also, before you enter, you want to be sure that your group members will have time to read the book by the night of the dinner! Even if you have a book scheduled for your late March or April discussion, this could be a nice way to add an extra title to your group reading.
By the way, when we started talking about this offer, we were talking about a reader and three friends to play off the book’s theme of four friends, but when Robyn heard about the terrific book clubs we have here at ReadingGroupGuides.com, she immediately offered to treat an entire group. LOVE that! I have attended parties that Robyn has hosted, and she is such fun to be around --- a nice mix of engaging, smart and fun! So I know that the winning group will have a fabulous evening.
In our next contest, we’re giving 10 groups the opportunity to win 10 copies of ORPHAN TRAIN by Christina Baker Kline. We have a lot of love for this book. I selected it as a Bookreporter.com Bets On title last year, and our Sneak Peek early readers all gave it raves! Christina has been on the road visiting bookstores and libraries --- and speaking to book groups --- for months now. Here’s a video that was shared with me last night where Christina gives more background on the book and talks about the energy she feels from book clubs. I had dinner with her two weeks ago at the American Library Association’s Midwinter Conference in Philadelphia. She has created some resource materials on her website, which enhance book group discussions and give readers background on the historical events that framed her book. I love back story like this, and we know book groups do, too. Click here to enter the contest, here to see the raves from our readers from the Sneak Peek feature, and here to see my Bookreporter.com Bets On coverage.
WHISTLING PAST THE GRAVEYARD, one of my Bookreporter.com Bets On selections when it released in hardcover, is February’s prize in our “What's Your Book Group Reading This Month?” Contest. Susan Crandall’s latest novel takes place in the summer of 1963 and introduces readers to nine-year-old Starla Claudelle, who runs away from home to be with her mother in Nashville and is offered a ride by a black woman who is traveling with a white baby. As the two unlikely companions make their long and sometimes dangerous journey, Starla’s eyes are opened to the harsh realities of 1963 southern segregation. We have 12 copies of the book, which is now available in paperback, to give away to three groups. Enter here by Friday, March 7th at noon ET and let us know what your group is reading in February for your chance to win.
Curious to see what groups were reading in January? Then click here to find out! Our new site gives us the chance to share what other groups are reading. We post not only the titles that book clubs are reading, but also some details about the group, including where they are from, how many are in their group, and the ages of the members. From this, you may be able to find some groups that are like yours and see what they are reading. Also, we have 12 copies of AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF US on their way to three prize winners --- Colleen from "Friends and Family" in Troy, MI; Kathy from "Happy Endings Book Club" in Port Townsend, WA; and Patricia from "Mostly Mystery Book Club" in Phoenix, AZ.
We also are bringing you titles that readers have rated as being "good book group selections" in our “Rate Books for Book Groups” feature. This gives you more to browse as you look for ideas for your book group discussions. You can see them here. Remember these do not need to be books that you have read with your book clubs, but rather titles that you think would be great for discussion. Consider this another section of the site for you to get suggestions. How to participate? All you need to do is rate the books you’ve read so readers will know whether or not they would be good selections for book groups. You can add books that you have read personally or with your book group. All entries will be posted shortly after the March 7th deadline. We eventually will be updating this feature more often…give us a few months to get on a roll with the new features.
We have four featured guides we’d like to tell you about this month. First up is RIPPER by Isabel Allende, a murder mystery that signals a departure from her brilliant works of literary and historical fiction. High school senior Amanda Jackson is a natural-born sleuth addicted to crime novels and Ripper, an online mystery game. When a string of strange murders occurs across the city, Amanda plunges into her own investigation, discovering that the deaths may be connected. But the case becomes all too personal when her mother suddenly vanishes. Could her mother’s disappearance be linked to the serial killer? Click here for the guide and here for our review on Bookreporter.com.
Next up is Deanna Raybourn’s latest historical novel, CITY OF JASMINE, which releases on February 25th. Famed aviatrix Evangeline Starke's husband, adventurer Gabriel Starke, died suddenly with the sinking of the Lusitania. Five years later, Evie embarks upon a flight around the world, collecting fame and admirers along the way. In the midst of her triumphant tour, she is shocked to receive a mysterious --- and recent --- photograph of Gabriel. She tracks the source of the photo to the ancient City of Jasmine, Damascus, where she discovers that nothing is as it seems. Click here for the guide and here for our Historical Fiction Author Spotlight feature on Bookreporter.com, where we’re giving 30 readers the opportunity to win an advance copy of the book. All you have to do is fill out this form by Thursday, February 20th at noon ET.
Our third featured guide is for THE GOOD LUCK RIGHT NOW by Matthew Quick, best known as the author of THE SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK. For 38 years, Bartholomew Neil has lived with his mother. When she gets sick and dies, he has no idea how to be on his own. His redheaded grief counselor, Wendy, says he needs to find his flock and leave the nest. But how does a man whose whole life has been grounded in his mom, Saturday mass, and the library learn how to fly? Click here for the guide and here for our review on Bookreporter.com.
Finally, on the homepage right now is our feature for THE HANGING JUDGE, a thrilling court procedural from debut novelist Michael Ponsor. When a drive-by shooting in Holyoke, Massachusetts, claims the lives of a Puerto Rican drug dealer and a nurse at a neighborhood clinic, the police arrest a black drug dealer. With no death penalty in Massachusetts, the US attorney shifts the double homicide out of state jurisdiction into federal court so that he can pursue the death penalty. The Honorable David S. Norcross, who has been on the federal bench only two years, now presides over the first death penalty case in the state in 50 years. Click here for the guide.
Many thanks to all of you who told us what your favorite book group titles of 2013 were. As promised, we have the results for you, which you can see here. We’ve compiled your top 35 picks (actually there are 36, with the last two ending up in a tie!). Please take a look and see if there are any titles you may want to consider discussing with your group. We also starred some titles that were Bookreporter.com Bets On selections.
For more reader participation, please take part in our poll, which will be up until Friday, March 7th at noon ET. How would you describe your book group? Click here to let us know!
And a reminder that at the beginning of each month, we compile a list of the Most Requested Guides in the categories of New Favorites, Ongoing Favorites and Enduring Favorites, along with an overall list of Top 50 Requests. Here is the list from December, and here is the most recent list from January. Check back in early March for February’s list!
Since we are a tad bored with winter, we are gearing up for our Spring Preview feature on Bookreporter.com, where we will be sending daily newsletters about a book coming this spring with a chance to win one of five copies. The feature kicks off on February 20th and lasts until March 20th, so be sure you are signed up to read our Spring Preview newsletter here.
Jean Hanff Korelitz, the author of ADMISSION and the upcoming YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN (I am wild about this book, which is in stores March 18th), is the founder of the newly created service “Book the Writer.” Jean’s idea is to bring New York City book groups the opportunity to discuss a book with an author who will visit their club. I had the pleasure of attending the event talked about in this New York Times piece where Alexandra Styron attended and discussed her 2011 memoir, READING MY FATHER. (In the photo, which accompanies the piece, you can see me in the back where I was a voyeur.)
Their Pop-Up Book Groups allow people who aren’t necessarily in book groups to participate in a series of one-off discussions with various novelists, poets, biographers, nonfiction writers and memoirists. They’re kicking things off on Wednesday, March 5th at 7pm on the Upper West Side in New York (the address will be given only to those who register) with New York Times bestselling novelist Jane Green. Jane will be discussing her latest book, FAMILY PICTURES, and offering a sneak peek of her next novel, TEMPTING FATE (in stores March 18th). Pop-Up Book Groups take place in private homes in New York City and are limited to 15 participants, so the time to book is now!
For those who like to plan ahead, the second Pop-Up Book Group will feature Allen Salkin, author of FROM SCRATCH: Inside the Food Network, on Monday, March 10th at 8pm. You can sign up for that gathering here. If you’d like to be alerted to upcoming Pop-Up Book Groups (lots more are being planned, including a visit from Carole Radziwill, author of THE WIDOW’S GUIDE TO SEX AND DATING), then please sign up for the newsletter on their website, www.bookthewriter.com.
I hope this update has filled you with ideas of what your group would like to read --- and you also are geared up to share with other readers via “What’s Your Book Group Reading This Month?” and “Rate Books for Book Groups.” Read on….
Carol Fitzgerald ([email protected]) |
Special Contest: Win a Chat and Dinner with Author Robyn Carr --- and Copies of Her Upcoming Book, FOUR FRIENDS --- for Your Group
We are celebrating the March 25th release of FOUR FRIENDS by Robyn Carr with a very special contest. Robyn will fly to meet with one book group and take them to dinner to discuss FOUR FRIENDS. She will host this special evening at a restaurant local to you and your group on one of these three nights: Monday, March 31st, Tuesday, April 1st, or Wednesday, April 2nd. Also, each member of the group will be awarded a copy of the book, which will be shipped to the group coordinator in early March once the contest ends. To enter, please fill out this form by Wednesday, February 26th at noon ET.
Please note: If you and your group are selected as the winner of this contest, you will be contacted via phone and email on Wednesday, February 26th to confirm your availability. Upon confirmation, your information will be shared with the author to schedule the chat and dinner, and we will arrange for the books to be sent to one person in the group.
FOUR FRIENDS by Robyn Carr (Romance)
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Robyn Carr comes the story of four friends determined to find their stride. Ultimately, they'll discover what it means to be a wife, mother, lover, friend...and most important: your true self.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
Click here to enter the contest. |
Special Contest: Win 10 Copies of ORPHAN TRAIN by Christina Baker Kline for Your Group
We're giving 10 groups the opportunity to win 10 copies of the New York Times bestseller ORPHAN TRAIN by Christina Baker Kline, a powerful novel of upheaval and resilience, second chances, unexpected friendship, and the secrets we carry that keep us from finding out who we are. To enter, please fill out this form by Wednesday, March 5th at noon ET.
ORPHAN TRAIN by Christina Baker Kline (Fiction)
A community service position helping an elderly woman clean out her home is the only thing keeping Molly Ayer out of juvie and worse. As she helps Vivian sort through her possessions and memories, Molly learns that they aren’t as different as they seem to be. A young Irish immigrant orphaned in New York City, Vivian was put on a train to the Midwest with hundreds of other children. Molly discovers that she has the power to help Vivian find answers to mysteries that have haunted her for her entire life --- answers that will ultimately free them both.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
-Click here to read our review on Bookreporter.com.
-Click here to see why we're betting you'll love this book.
Click here to enter the contest. |
What's Your Book Group Reading This Month? Contest: Win 12 Copies of WHISTLING PAST THE GRAVEYARD by Susan Crandall for Your Group
Let us know what your group is reading in February, and you will be entered in a giveaway to win multiple copies of a book for your group! Our latest prize book is WHISTLING PAST THE GRAVEYARD by Susan Crandall, a coming-of-age story about a nine-year-old girl who runs away from her Mississippi home in 1963, befriends a lonely woman suffering loss and abuse, and embarks on a life-changing road trip. We have 12 copies of the book, which is now available in paperback, to give away to three groups. To enter, please fill out the form on this page by Friday, March 7th at noon ET.
WHISTLING PAST THE GRAVEYARD by Susan Crandall (Historical Fiction)
In the summer of 1963, nine-year-old Starla Claudelle runs away from her strict grandmother’s Mississippi home. Starla’s destination is Nashville, where her mother went to become a famous singer, abandoning Starla when she was three. Walking a lonely country road, Starla accepts a ride from Eula, a black woman traveling alone with a white baby. Now, on the road trip that will change her life forever, Starla sees for the first time life as it really is --- as she reaches for a dream of how it could one day be.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
-Click here to read our review on Bookreporter.com.
-Click here to see why Bookreporter.com is betting you'll love this book.
Click here to enter the contest. |
Featured Guide: RIPPER by Isabel Allende
RIPPER by Isabel Allende (Mystery)
High school senior Amanda Jackson is a natural-born sleuth addicted to crime novels and Ripper, an online mystery game. When a string of strange murders occurs across the city, Amanda plunges into her own investigation, discovering that the deaths may be connected. But the case becomes all too personal when her mother suddenly vanishes. Could her mother’s disappearance be linked to the serial killer?
-Click here to read our review on Bookreporter.com.
Click here for the featured guide. |
Featured Guide: CITY OF JASMINE by Deanna Raybourn --- In Stores February 25th
CITY OF JASMINE by Deanna Raybourn (Historical Fiction)
Famed aviatrix Evangeline Starke's husband, adventurer Gabriel Starke, died suddenly with the sinking of the Lusitania. Five years later, Evie embarks upon a flight around the world, collecting fame and admirers along the way. In the midst of her triumphant tour, she is shocked to receive a mysterious --- and recent --- photograph of Gabriel, which brings her ambitious stunt to a screeching halt. With her eccentric aunt Dove in tow, Evie tracks the source of the photo to the ancient City of Jasmine, Damascus. There she discovers that nothing is as it seems.
-Click here to see our Historical Fiction Author Spotlight feature on Bookreporter.com and enter to win a copy of the book by Thursday, February 20th at noon ET.
Click here for the featured guide. |
Featured Guide: THE GOOD LUCK OF RIGHT NOW by Matthew Quick
THE GOOD LUCK OF RIGHT NOW by Matthew Quick (Fiction/Humor)
For 38 years, Bartholomew Neil has lived with his mother. When she gets sick and dies, he has no idea how to be on his own. His redheaded grief counselor, Wendy, says he needs to find his flock and leave the nest. But how does a man whose whole life has been grounded in his mom, Saturday mass, and the library learn how to fly?
-Click here to read our review on Bookreporter.com.
Click here for the featured guide. |
New Monthly Feature: Rate Books for Book Groups
Rate the books you have read to let us know if you think they would be good selections for book groups. You can add books that you have read personally or with your book group. Share the title and the author, and please pay attention to proper spelling. Capitalize words as appropriate! All submissions will be reviewed before they are posted, thus your post will not appear immediately.
All entries will be posted shortly after the March 7th deadline.
Click here to rate books for book groups. |
ReadingGroupGuides.com Readers Weigh In: Your Group's Favorite Books of 2013 --- The Results Are In!
We have compiled a list of the top 36 books (there was a tie for #35!) that our ReadingGroupGuides.com readers noted as their Favorite Book Group Reads of 2013. They are presented in order of those that received the most votes. Please take a look and see if there are any books you may want to consider discussing with your group. We also starred some titles that also were Bookreporter.com Bets On picks. Many thanks to all who contributed their selections to this list.
Click here to see our readers' Favorite Book Group Reads of 2013. |
Bookreporter.com’s Food Fiction Bookshelf: Delicious Flavor-Filled Stories and Cookbooks with a Fictional Twist
Food fiction evokes emotions along with delicious flavors and stories. Past favorites in the genre include LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE, FRIED GREEN TOMATOES AT THE WHISTLE STOP CAFE, THE SCHOOL OF ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS and CHOCOLAT. Happily, many new food-themed mysteries and romances have been released recently or are coming out soon. This taste-tempting bookshelf, curated by our very own Amy Alessio, includes a series about a White House chef, coffeehouse creations, catering, wedding cakes and more. Popular fiction authors are adding short stories to cookbooks, and other titles suggest what foods to pair with which reads. Best of all, reading these books adds no calories! We hope you enjoy this sampling of sweet and savory reads, which also would make great Valentine's Day gifts.
Click here to check out our Food Fiction bookshelf. |
Bookreporter.com's Valentine's Day Feature
Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Still stuck on what to buy your Valentine? We have the answer --- and it's all about books! Recently we gave readers the chance to win one of our five Bookreporter.com Valentine's Day prize packages, which included one copy of each of our featured books and some delicious Ghirardelli chocolate. Congratulations to our winners! Even if you weren't a winner, we encourage you to take a look at our feature and see which of our titles you would like to give to your Valentine --- or yourself.
Our featured Valentine’s Day titles are:
Click here to read more about our featured books. |
February's New in Paperback Roundups on Bookreporter.com
February's roundups of New in Paperback titles include SEE NOW THEN, Jamaica Kincaid's first novel in 10 years; THESE FEW PRECIOUS DAYS by Christopher Andersen, a rare, behind-the-scenes portrait of the Kennedys in their final year together; THE ENGLISH GIRL, the latest thriller in Daniel Silva's series starring art restorer and master spy Gabriel Allon; HER, Christa Parravani's account of her struggle to survive when her charismatic yet troubled sister dies tragically; Bill Cheng's SOUTHERN CROSS THE DOG, a debut in which the bonds between three childhood friends are upended by the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927; and THE SOUND OF BROKEN GLASS by Deborah Crombie, which marks the return of Scotland Yard detectives Duncan Kincaid and Gemma James in a captivating mystery that blends a murder from the past with a powerful danger in the present.
-Find out what's New in Paperback for the weeks of February 3rd, February 10th, February 17th and February 24th. |
Bookreporter.com's Books on Screen Feature for February
In theaters this month are two movies based on books about love taken to the extreme: Endless Love, an adaptation of Scott Spencer’s classic 1979 novel, and Winter’s Tale, a beautiful story about the power of love to overcome the constraints of space and time --- even death. If that’s not your tear-diluted cup of tea, then the George Clooney-helmed The Monuments Men is a can’t-miss World War II comedy-drama. And for some real thrills, check out Odd Thomas, based on the Dean Koontz novel of the same name, about a clairvoyant cook who gets into some supernatural trouble of epic proportions.
If you’re looking to avoid the mid-month movie madness, there’s plenty to watch from the comfort of your own home. All 13 episodes of season two of fan- and critic-favorite “House of Cards” will be available for instant streaming on Netflix beginning February 14th, and “The Walking Dead” returns for a fourth season on AMC. Plus, the pilot for "Bosch," based on Michael Connelly’s long-running mystery series, is now available on Amazon. And among this month’s DVD releases are Ender’s Game, Austenland, Diana and How I Live Now.
Click here to see all the movies, TV shows and DVDs featured in February's Books on Screen. |
New Guides Now Available
The following guides are now available on ReadingGroupGuides.com:
CITY OF JASMINE by Deanna Raybourn (Historical Fiction)
Aviatrix Evie Starke embarks upon a journey to see the world in 1920, tracking a mysterious photograph to Damascus, the ancient City of Jasmine, where intrigue, danger and a love beyond all reason await.
EVIDENCE OF LIFE by Barbara Taylor Sissel (Mystery/Suspense)
Barbara Taylor Sissel delivers a gripping tale of a mother’s search for her missing husband and daughter, and the lies she uncovers that challenge everything she once believed about her marriage and family.
FOUR FRIENDS by Robyn Carr (Romance)
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Robyn Carr comes the story of four friends determined to find their stride. Ultimately, they'll discover what it means to be a wife, mother, lover, friend...and most important: your true self.
THE GOOD LUCK OF RIGHT NOW by Matthew Quick (Fiction/Humor)
From the New York Times bestselling author of THE SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK comes the funny, feel-good story of a young man who, in the aftermath of his mother’s untimely death, forms an unlikely family with three other outsiders.
THE GRACE OF CROWS by Tracy Shawn (Fiction)
THE GRACE OF CROWS is a story about how an anxiety-ridden woman finds happiness through the most unexpected of ways --- and characters.
THE HANGING JUDGE by Michael Ponsor (Legal Thriller)
Based on the experience of the author, a federal judge who in 2000 presided over the first capital case in Massachusetts in more than 50 years, this extraordinary thriller offers an unprecedented inside view of a federal death penalty trial.
RIPPER by Isabel Allende (Mystery)
RIPPER by New York Times bestselling author Isabel Allende is an atmospheric, fast-paced mystery involving a brilliant teenage sleuth who must unmask a serial killer in San Francisco.
THREE SOULS by Janie Chang (Historical Fiction)
Suffused with history and literature, THREE SOULS is an epic tale of revenge and betrayal, forbidden love, and the price we are willing to pay for freedom.
TWO SISTERS by Mary Hogan (Fiction)
Mary Hogan’s powerful and poignant debut novel is about two sisters --- opposites in every way --- plus their mother and the secrets and lies that define them all.
UNDER THE WIDE AND STARRY SKY by Nancy Horan (Historical Romance)
From Nancy Horan, the New York Times bestselling author of LOVING FRANK, comes her much-anticipated second novel, which tells the improbable love story of Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson and his tempestuous American wife, Fanny.
THE WEDDING BEES: A Novel of Honey, Love, and Manners by Sarah-Kate Lynch (Romance)
THE WEDDING BEES is a novel about finding sweetness where you least expect it and learning to love your way home.
WHISTLING PAST THE GRAVEYARD by Susan Crandall (Historical Fiction)
A nine-year-old girl runs away from her Mississippi home in 1963, befriends a lonely woman suffering loss and abuse, and embarks on a life-changing road trip.
Please note that these titles, for which we already had the guides when they appeared in hardcover, are now available in paperback:
ABOVE ALL THINGS by Tanis Rideout (Historical Fiction)
ABOVE ALL THINGS tells the harrowing story of George Mallory’s third and final attempt to summit Mount Everest in 1924.
THE FEVER TREE by Jennifer Haigh (Historical Fiction)
THE FEVER TREE is a compelling portrait of colonial South Africa, its raw beauty and deprivation alive in equal measure.
THE PAINTED GIRLS by Cathy Marie Buchanan (Historical Fiction)
THE PAINTED GIRLS is a romantic, exhilarating novel set during Belle Époque Paris and inspired by the real-life model of Degas’s Little Dancer Aged 14.
THE PERFUME COLLECTOR by Kathleen Tessaro (Historical Fiction)
From the author of ELEGANCE and DEBUTANTE comes a stunning novel about secret histories, desire, memory, and the power of scent.
Do you like what you see here, and want to forward it to a friend? Then click our link on the bottom of the page to do just that!
Happy reading. We'll see you next month.
Don't forget to visit our other websites from TheBookReportNetwork.com:
www.Bookreporter.com, www.20SomethingReads.com, www.Teenreads.com, www.Kidsreads.com, www.GraphicNovelReporter.com, www.FaithfulReader.com and www.AuthorsOnTheWeb.com.
Carol Fitzgerald ([email protected])
The Book Report Network
250 W. 57th Street - Suite 1228
New York, New York 10107