September 30, 2022
![]() September 30, 2022 The Best Night of the MonthMy book group met last week, and we talked about THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO by Taylor Jenkins Reid. For humor, I wrote to the group on our Facebook page that I could not find my copy of the book. One of our group members, Julia, walked in an hour later and said, “That is because you loaned it to me!” I had read it when mentions of it on TikTok made it a craze and marched it onto the New York Times Paperback Trade Fiction Bestseller list. Right now that list still is dominated by Taylor, Colleen Hoover and Emily Henry, with a slot for THE SILENT PATIENT and another title or two along the way. When a book receives a lot of hype, the bar gets up there pretty high. I enjoyed it when I read it last summer, and I have suggested it to people. But for our group --- and a discussion --- it fell flat. Some books just belong in what I call “the moment.” You read it. You close it. You mention it even more than once in a while. You tell people to read it. But discussing it is not going to work. I am betting many of you in book groups know exactly what I am talking about. That said, the next day I was chatting with Kathleen, one of the founders of our group. She said that book group night is her favorite night of the month. It’s funny, but I feel the same way. Yes, we talk about books, but we also talk about life in an honest way. We are as honest about that as we are about our opinions of books! Next month, we are reading BULLY MARKET: My Story of Money and Misogyny at Goldman Sachs by Jamie Fiore Higgins. Jamie lives in the next town and is going to join our discussion. While the book has been getting a lot of attention from the financial press, Jamie already has talked to a number of book groups; considering that it just came out in late August, that is newsworthy. This memoir is resonating with women on so many levels. Yes, it has struck a chord about workplace behaviors on --- and off --- Wall Street. But there are also messages in there about losing your way --- and having to find it back --- and getting yourself to a place of financial freedom. People are reaching out and telling her that they read it in two days; “they could not put it down.” I am really looking forward to seeing what the group has to say about it. Some of our members love audiobooks, so they are planning to listen as Jamie narrates it. You can see and hear her at her recording session for the book here. This Month’s “Bookaccino Live” Book Group Event I had a wonderful time reconnecting with Marie and Victoria (I first interviewed them about the book last summer), and we look forward to sharing the event with you next week. On Tuesday, the video will be up on our YouTube channel, and the podcast will appear on our Videos & Podcasts page here. I am thrilled to announce that Joyce Maynard will be our next “Bookaccino Live” Book Group guest. The event will be held on Thursday, October 27th at 8pm ET, and you can sign up for it here. We will be talking about Joyce’s most recent novel, COUNT THE WAYS, which is the mesmerizing story of a family --- from the hopeful early days of young marriage to parenthood, divorce and the costly aftermath that ripples through all their lives. The hardcover released last year, and the paperback is now available. Just as we did last night, there will be a two-part Q&A session after I talk to Joyce. For the first part, those who are asking a question “on camera” will be featured. This includes spending time with Joyce backstage in our virtual green room before the show starts. If you would like to ask your question "live on screen" this way, please email it to me using the subject line “Joyce.” For those who are camera shy, there will be a traditional Q&A segment as well. After a brief hiatus, our “Bookreporter Talks To” series is back…and we have two new interviews to share with you in this newsletter. First up is Lynda Cohen Loigman, whose latest novel is THE MATCHMAKER’S GIFT. Lynda was writing something else when Lynda’s daughter brought her roommate home when their college classes shut down during the pandemic. The three of them ended up watching “Indian Matchmaking” on Netflix, and the roommate piped up and said that her grandmother had been a matchmaker. This sparked an idea for Lynda. Suddenly she found herself casting aside the book that she was writing to tell the story of a Jewish matchmaker who had been born in 1910, along with that of the matchmaker’s granddaughter, a divorce lawyer in 1994. THE MATCHMAKER’S GIFT is laced with lots of historical details about matchmaking and Rabbinical courts, and is peppered with Yiddish expressions. Lynda talks about how she nails her storytelling --- and shares wonderful details about how she approached her research. Click here to watch the video and here to listen to the podcast. We also have posted the discussion guide here and our review on Bookreporter here. I had the pleasure of chatting with Sally Koslow about her new novel, THE REAL MRS. TOBIAS, a Bets On pick that explores three generations of a family living in New York City. It revolves around three very different women, and their interactions with each other make for strong storytelling. Aside from their own stories, they are contending with the possible backlash of a traffic incident that the grandson, son and husband drove away from without exploring its consequences. I met Sally decades ago when we both worked at Mademoiselle magazine. We talk about Sally's career as a novelist and nonfiction writer since then, and we also reminisce about what magazines used to be. Click here to watch the video and here to listen to the podcast. Also, be sure to check out the guide here and our Bookreporter review here. Fredrik Backman has wrapped up his Beartown trilogy with the release of THE WINNERS, an emotion-packed novel that asks us to reconsider what it means to win, what it means to lose, and what it means to forgive. Although this concluding volume can be read as a stand-alone as Backman sufficiently explains much of the backstory, we strongly suggest that you read the first two installments, BEARTOWN and US AGAINST YOU, if you haven’t already so you can experience the full impact of this much-lauded series. Click here for the guide and here for our review on Bookreporter. LUCY BY THE SEA is the fourth entry in Elizabeth Strout’s series featuring her beloved protagonist, Lucy Barton. This time, Lucy is stuck during lockdown with her ex-husband and on-again, off-again friend, William. This empathetic, pitch-perfect novel vividly captures the fear and struggles that come with isolation, as well as the hope, peace and possibilities that those long, quiet days can inspire. Strout’s previous Lucy books are MY NAME IS LUCY BARTON, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE and OH WILLIAM! You can find the guide here and our Bookreporter review here. Andrew Sean Greer follows up his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel LESS with the eagerly awaited sequel, LESS IS LOST. From his estranged father and strained relationship with his partner, Freddy Pelu, to the reckoning he experiences in confronting his privilege, Arthur Less eventually must face his personal demons. LESS IS LOST is a profound and joyous novel about the enigma of life in America, the riddle of love and the stories we tell along the way. Click here for the guide and here for our review on Bookrpeorter. We also are featuring the guide for Leigh Seippel’s debut novel, RUIN: A Novel of Flyfishing in Bankruptcy. This vivid story opens with every couple’s nightmare --- the disappearance of their comfortable known world. RUIN explores the unpredictable progression of character and chance for Francy and Frank Campbell, newly destitute in their early 30s, along with their lovers and foes. And a murder investigator. Barnaby Conrad III, the author of GHOST HUNTING IN MONTANA and JACQUES VILLEGLÉ AND THE STREETS OF PARIS, has this to say about the book: “RUIN is a dangerously psychological romantic nightmare about a young couple’s loss and redemption…. Seippel unfurls this tragicomic tale in a haunting manner, deeply echoing the vulnerability of early Hemingway and the bitterness of T.S. Eliot. The journey is thrilling, its vividly evolving characters long memorable.” I am looking forward to reading this one! Last Chance to Enter Our Monthly Contest According to our Bookreporter reviewer Pamela Kramer, “HONOR is a moving account of the multifaceted layers that are India --- both the beauty and the ugliness. It's a novel that screams ‘book club’ because of its thoughtful and beautiful prose and the essential points it raises.” I am planning to interview Thrity soon, and my Bets On commentary will appear in the late October newsletter. In the meantime, you can click here for the guide and here for our review on Bookreporter. This is your last ReadingGroupGuides newsletter reminder to sign up for our upcoming “Bookaccino Live” preview event, which will take place on Wednesday, October 12th at 2pm ET. The focus will be on titles releasing between October 11th and November 1st, in addition to a few from December, that I would like to get on your radar. Click here to register. Those attending the live event will be asked to answer a survey about the books from the presentation that they are most interested in reading and will be eligible to win a prize. I am so excited to be moderating three author events at the Morristown Festival of Books next Saturday, October 8th. I will be interviewing Nita Prose about THE MAID at 11am, Jamie Fiore Higgins about the aforementioned BULLY MARKET at 1:20pm, and the one and only James Patterson at 5:15pm for a very special Closing Event, which will be ticketed. Scroll further down the newsletter for more info about these events and other programming happening at this year’s festival. I hope to see some of you there! Simon & Schuster is excited to announce the lineup for the third edition of AuthorFest, a series of virtual author events that, through a network of book festivals, literary venues and author lecture series, provide live author programming to communities and readers in the U.S. and Canada. The Fall 2022 AuthorFest event is scheduled for Thursday, October 13th at 7pm ET and will feature John Irving and Jason Reynolds. These New York Times bestselling authors are famous for crafting thought-provoking stories about the expression of self-identity through explorations of race, class and sexuality. Their conversation will be moderated by Simon & Schuster’s CEO, Jonathan Karp, who is Irving's editor. Click here to register. On Tuesday, October 25th at 1pm ET, members of the Simon & Schuster team will discuss October’s Book Club Favorites pick, THE NIGHT SHIP, with author Jess Kidd. Click here to RSVP for the event. Unfortunately, their discussion of September's pick, PEOPLE PERSON, featuring Candice Carty-Williams as their special guest had to be postponed this week. We will let you know once they are able to reschedule. A reminder that this Tuesday, October 4th at 3pm ET, Barnes & Noble will host a virtual event featuring Sarah Addison Allen, who will discuss her new novel, OTHER BIRDS, which is B&N’s September Book Club selection. Click here to sign up. Carol Fitzgerald ([email protected]) New Guide: THE WINNERS by Fredrik Backman THE WINNERS by Fredrik Backman (Fiction) - Click here to read more about the book. Click here for the discussion guide. New Guide: LUCY BY THE SEA by Elizabeth Strout LUCY BY THE SEA by Elizabeth Strout (Fiction) - Click here to read more about the book. Click here for the discussion guide. New Featured Guide: RUIN by Leigh Seippel RUIN: A Novel of Flyfishing in Bankruptcy by Leigh Seippel (Fiction) - Click here to read more about the book. Click here for the featured guide. "What's Your Book Group Reading This Month?" Contest: Enter to Win Up to 12 Paperback Copies of
Each month in our "What's Your Book Group Reading This Month?" feature, we ask book groups to share the titles they are reading that month and rate them. From all entries, three winners will be selected, and each will win up to 12 copies of that month’s prize book for their group. Note: To be eligible to win, let us know the title of the book that YOUR book group is CURRENTLY reading, NOT the title we are giving away.
Our latest prize book is HONOR by Thrity Umrigar, which releases in paperback on October 18th and will be a Bets On pick. This riveting and immersive novel tells the story of two couples and the sometimes dangerous and heartbreaking challenges of love across a cultural divide. To enter, please fill out the form on this page by Wednesday, October 12th at noon ET.
HONOR by Thrity Umrigar (Fiction)
Indian American journalist Smita has returned to India to cover a story, but reluctantly. Long ago, she and her family left the country with no intention of ever coming back. As she follows the case of Meena --- a Hindu woman attacked by members of her own village and her own family for marrying a Muslim man --- Smita comes face to face with a society where tradition carries more weight than one’s own heart, and a story that threatens to unearth the painful secrets of Smita’s own past. While Meena’s fate hangs in the balance, Smita tries in every way she can to right the scales. She also finds herself increasingly drawn to Mohan, an Indian man she meets while on assignment. - Click here to read more about the book. - Click here for the discussion guide. - Click here to read our review on
Click here to enter the contest.
HONOR will be a Bets On pick. Don't miss Carol's commentary in the late October newsletter. New Guide: LESS IS LOST by Andrew Sean Greer LESS IS LOST by Andrew Sean Greer (Fiction/Humor) - Click here to read more about the book. Click here for the discussion guide. New Guide: THE MATCHMAKER’S GIFT THE MATCHMAKER'S GIFT by Lynda Cohen Loigman (Historical Fiction) - Click here to read more about the book. Click here for the discussion guide. New Guide: THE REAL MRS. TOBIAS by Sally Koslow THE REAL MRS. TOBIAS by Sally Koslow (Fiction) - Click here to read more about the book. Click here for the discussion guide. New September Releases of Interest to Book Groups Below are a number of books that released in September for the first time (which we aren't currently featuring on the site or in the newsletter) that we think will be of interest to book groups. THE DECEPTIONS by Jill Bialosky (Fiction) DREAMLAND by Nicholas Sparks (Romance) FAIRY TALE by Stephen King (Supernatural Thriller/Dark Fantasy) THE GIRL FROM GUERNICA by Karen Robards (Historical Fiction) HOW NOT TO DROWN IN A GLASS OF WATER by Angie Cruz (Fiction) JACQUELINE IN PARIS by Ann Mah (Historical Fiction) LESSONS by Ian McEwan (Fiction) ONE HUNDRED SATURDAYS: Stella Levi and the Search for a Lost World by Michael Frank, with artwork by Maira Kalman (Biography) SHRINES OF GAIETY by Kate Atkinson (Historical Fiction) A SONG OF COMFORTABLE CHAIRS: No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (23) by Alexander McCall Smith (Mystery) Join Carol Fitzgerald for Three Special Author Events Created by and for people who love books, the Morristown Festival of Books in Morristown, New Jersey, has become a destination event for authors and readers. Since its inception, the festival has established itself among the top book festivals nationwide, drawing thousands of annual attendees. This year's festival will kick off on Friday, October 7th at 7:30pm with the Keynote Event, featuring longtime New York Times columnist Frank Bruni as their Keynote Speaker. Bruni will discuss his lauded memoir, THE BEAUTY OF DUSK: On Vision Lost and Found, in an on-stage conversation with MSNBC news anchor Katy Tur. You can purchase your tickets by clicking here. The Main Festival is free and will get underway on Saturday, October 8th starting at 10am with in-person author talks, Q&As and signings. Carol Fitzgerald will be moderating three events that day, and we want to make sure they are on your radar.
The festival will wrap up on Saturday with a very special Closing Event at 5:15pm. Carol will interview James Patterson, the world’s best-selling author, who has sold over 300 million books worldwide. Click here to purchase your tickets. Please note that each ticket includes a signed copy of Patterson's new hardcover thriller, BLOWBACK. Also taking place on Saturday during the festival is KidFest, where kids and teens can meet their favorite authors and illustrators and partake in interactive presentations and book readings. Click here for more information about the Morristown Festival of Books. Bets On: DAISY DARKER by Alice Feeney (Psychological Thriller/Mystery) The family has gathered at Nana’s house, Seaglass, for her 80th birthday, which is on Halloween. This is their last planned get-together as Nana long ago was told by a palm reader that she would not live past 80. The setting is an island that gets cut off from the mainland for eight hours each day, which is creepy enough to think about and then lay a plot against it. Nana is quirky. She only dresses in pink and purple. She has 80 clocks, one for each year of her life --- and when they chime, things get loud! She also is quirky when it comes to objects in the house, as in each person has a chair painted in a color that makes her think of them. Click here to read more of Carol's commentary.'s 12th Annual Fall Preview Feature Fall is known as the biggest season of the year for books. The titles that release during this latter part of the year often become holiday gifts, and many are blockbusters. While our series of 24-hour Fall Preview contests have ended, we encourage you to take a look at our featured titles. These are just some of the outstanding books that we know people will be talking about over the next few months. This year's featured titles are:
» Click here to see the winners of this year's Fall Preview contests. Click here to read more about our featured titles. From left to right: Lynda Cohen Loigman, Jodi Picoult, Joanna Quinn Upcoming Virtual Book and Author Events As many book and author events are still happening online these days, we are highlighting a number of them that you may be interested in attending. Click on the links below for more info and to register. Monday, October 3rd at 8pm ET: Random House Studio Sessions: Random House Studio Sessions is Random House's new event series featuring live conversations with the biggest names on your bookshelf, filmed in their studio and broadcast virtually to wherever you are. Join Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan as they discuss their new novel, MAD HONEY, with moderator Anna Quindlen. Tuesday, October 4th at 3pm ET: Barnes & Noble Book Club: Join Barnes & Noble as they welcome Sarah Addison Allen for a live book club event to discuss OTHER BIRDS, September's B&N Book Club pick. She will be in conversation with Shannon DeVito, the Director of Category Management at B&N, and Miwa Messer, B&N’s Editorial Director. Tuesday, October 4th at 5pm ET: Print: A Bookstore: Joanna Quinn will be in conversation with Maggie Shipstead about her debut novel, THE WHALEBONE THEATRE, a story of love, bravery, lost innocence and self-transformation. Tuesday, October 4th at 7pm ET: Warwick's: Warwick's will host Laurie Lico Albanese as she discusses her new book, HESTER, in conversation with Sarah Penner. Albanese has published fiction, poetry, journalism, travel writing, creative nonfiction and a memoir. Tuesday, October 4th at 9pm ET: Book Soup: William Shatner, in conversation with coauthor Joshua Brandon, will discuss his new memoir, BOLDLY GO: Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder. The beloved star of "Star Trek" and recent space traveler reflects on the interconnectivity of all things, our fragile bond with nature, and the joy that comes from exploration in this inspiring, revelatory and exhilarating collection of essays. Wednesday, October 5th at 7pm ET: "Friends and Fiction": Join the "Friends and Fiction" authors --- Mary Kay Andrews, Kristin Harmel, Kristy Woodson Harvey and Patti Callahan Henry --- for a special "Just Us" episode featuring the Fab Four themselves. Thursday, October 6th at 7pm ET: Warwicks: Warwick's will host Lynda Cohen Loigman as she discusses her new book, THE MATCHMAKER'S GIFT, with Rachel McMillan. Loigman is also the author of THE WARTIME SISTERS and THE TWO-FAMILY HOUSE. Tuesday, October 11th at 3pm ET: Boswell Book Company: Joanna Quinn will talk to Daniel Goldin and Lisa Baudoin about her first novel, THE WHALEBONE THEATRE, which takes its heroine from the gargantuan cavity of a beached whale into undercover operations during World War II. Wednesday, October 12th at 2pm ET: "Bookaccino Live: A Lively Talk About Books": Carol Fitzgerald will present titles releasing between October 11th and November 1st, along with a few from December, that she would like to get on your radar. Wednesday, October 12th at 7pm ET: "Friends and Fiction": The "Friends and Fiction" authors will talk to Veronica Roth about her upcoming new novel for adults, POSTER GIRL, a haunting dystopian mystery that explores the expanding role of surveillance on society --- an inescapable reality that we welcome all too easily. Thursday, October 13th at 7pm ET: Simon & Schuster's Fall 2022 AuthorFest: Simon & Schuster partners with the book festival community each season to bring exclusive author programming to readers across the US. Their Fall 2022 AuthorFest event will feature New York Times bestselling authors John Irving and Jason Reynolds in conversation with Simon & Schuster's CEO, Jonathan Karp. "Bookreporter Talks To" Videos & Podcasts “Bookreporter Talks To” is a video and podcast series that delivers a long-form, in-depth author interview every week. For years, Carol has moderated book festivals and author events around the country. But we know that readers often do not live where they can attend an author event. Our goal is to bring these author interviews to readers, wherever they may be. Watch on video, or listen as a podcast. (The podcasts include audio excerpts.) Here are our latest interviews:
Other authors we've interviewed include:
Upcoming interviews include:
Click here for a complete list of our Our Latest GuidesWe currently are featuring the following guides on BULLY MARKET: My Story of Money and Misogyny at Goldman Sachs by Jamie Fiore Higgins (Business & Economics/Memoir) CARRIE SOTO IS BACK by Taylor Jenkins Reid (Fiction) THE FORTUNES OF JADED WOMEN by Carolyn Huynh (Fiction) HONOR by Thrity Umrigar (Fiction) LESS IS LOST by Andrew Sean Greer (Fiction/Humor) LUCY BY THE SEA by Elizabeth Strout (Fiction) THE MARRIAGE PORTRAIT by Maggie O'Farrell (Historical Fiction) THE MATCHMAKER'S GIFT by Lynda Cohen Loigman (Historical Fiction) ON THE ROOFTOP by Margaret Wilkerson Sexton (Historical Fiction) PEOPLE PERSON by Candice Carty-Williams (Fiction) THE REAL MRS. TOBIAS by Sally Koslow (Fiction) RUIN: A Novel of Flyfishing in Bankruptcy by Leigh Seippel (Fiction) THE WAYS WE HIDE by Kristina McMorris (Historical Fiction) THE WINNERS by Fredrik Backman (Fiction)
BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY: A Memoir of an Undocumented Childhood by Qian Julie Wang (Memoir) CLOUD CUCKOO LAND by Anthony Doerr (Fiction) DAVA SHASTRI'S LAST DAY by Kirthana Ramisetti (Fiction) SEVERAL PEOPLE ARE TYPING by Calvin Kasulke (Fiction/Humor) Quick Links to Features on Find a Guide by Title | Find a Guide by Author | Find a Guide by Genre Please visit the other websites in and |