ReadingGroupGuides.com Newsletter |
August 2012 |
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Oh, What a Month for Reading --- and a NEW Monthly Contest Feature That You Won’t Want to Miss! |
My suitcase is unpacked. I know that does not sound like a big deal, but after three conferences in five weeks, it’s a big feat for me. I still have piles of paperwork to go through with notes for ideas for our websites and a huge number of emails flagged for attention and follow-up, but having my suitcase unpacked is quite nice, like I am rooted here for a bit. It took 10 days since the last jet-lagged return to get unpacked. Instead of unpacking, I wanted to READ, sleep eight hours a night, and cook some nice dinners, all of which I never get to do on the road. I also wanted to eat some meals that required utensils after weeks where I was hitting multiple cocktail parties a night swigging down mineral water with lime (my secret to staying on top of my game while on business trips is not drinking liquor or wine) and finger foods.
I have a great staff that kept things moving at the office while I kept moving across the country. And emails meant I was never further than a few keystrokes away, which is good --- and bad. West Coast travel means that when you grab for your Blackberry at 6AM there already are emails waiting to greet you --- and the staff is already in the office. But the authors I met and the books that I discovered, picked up and heard/talked about make it ALL worth it.
A couple of months ago, many of you answered a survey for a publisher about your interest in participating in a day for book group-themed events. I am happy to share that they took your feedback to heart, and ReadingGroupGuides.com will be partnering with the Hachette Book Group to host their first Book Group Day in New York on Saturday, September 29th from 10:30-3:30 at the New York Public Library. Participating authors include Megan Abbott, author of Dare Me; Jami Attenberg, author of The Middlesteins; Stacy Schiff, author of Cleopatra; and Jill Shalvis, author of At Last. There will be a fee of $50, which will include morning refreshments, lunch and, of course, advance reading copies and books! More details are forthcoming, and signup will be required. If you have questions at the moment, please contact Ali Coughlin at [email protected] for more information.
I am hearing back from our readers who are part of our summerlong Edith Wharton 150th Anniversary celebration. You may recall that 20 readers won copies of The Innocents and The Age of Innocence, while 20 others won copies of Gilded Age and The House of Mirth. We will have their comments for our next update. I came back from a trip to find the book pictured above at my house --- as Bibi, one of my publisher friends, knew I wanted to read two aforementioned titles, and this copy of Three Novels of New York also includes The Custom of the Country, making it a compilation of Edith Wharton’s New York stories. Also, if your group is in an Edith Wharton frame of mind, we also wanted to bring to your attention The Age of Desire by Jennie Fields, which is a novel about the life of Wharton that we reviewed on Bookreporter.com last week.
Also, some book groups were hosted at receptions for Robert Goolrick, as he was on tour for Heading Out to Wonderful. I plan to interview them and will have their comments later this month as well as an interview with Brian Freeman, who last weekend spent time with a book club at a prison. I saw his Facebook post about that and knew I wanted to get him some questions about that!
This month, we announce our NEW “What Are You Reading?” Monthly Contest Feature. To enter, all you have to do is let us know what your group is reading THIS MONTH (August), and you’ll be entered in a contest to win multiple copies of a book for your group! We’re kicking off this brand-new feature with One Mountain Away by Emilie Richards. This moving story is all about Charlotte Hale, who has made it big as a real-estate developer, but finds that her life is missing something. Charlotte’s friends are insincere and she alienated everyone in her family, especially her only daughter. One terrifying day has Charlotte questioning her mortality and her relationships, but will it be enough to push her towards change? We have 12 copies of the book, which is now in stores, to give away to five groups. Enter here by Tuesday, September 4th at noon ET for your chance to win copies for you and your group members.
Also this month, we have two regular monthly contests. The first is for The Pigeon Pie Mystery by Julia Stuart. After her father’s death leaves her penniless, Princess Alexandrina and her lady’s maid, Pooki, come to live in the haunted Hampton Court Palace. The two of them attend a picnic, for which Pooki supplies a pigeon pie. But when the General-Major dies after eating the pie, Pooki becomes the #1 suspect in the murder investigation. Suddenly, Hampton Court isn’t such a safe place to live, and Alexandrina finds herself in the middle of a murder mystery. 25 readers will have the opportunity to each win a copy of the book, which is now in stores, for their group. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, September 4th at noon ET.
We’re also giving away Goodbye for Now by Valerie Frankel. Sam Elling creates an algorithm to find his soul mate and meets the love of his life, Meredith. But when Sam’s algorithm gets him fired from his Internet dating job and Meredith’s grandmother dies, it seems like they’re having a run of bad luck. By using email, Facebook, Skype and texts, Sam creates a computer program that allows Meredith to simulate a final conversation with her grandmother, and with this program a new business is born. In the meantime, Sam and Meredith's affection for one another deepens into the kind of love that one can’t live without. But what if one of them suddenly had to? Five readers will have the opportunity to each win a copy of the book, which is now in stores, for their group. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, September 4th at noon ET.
While these contests are open to all of our readers, we do have one contest running this month that’s exclusive to our Registered Book Groups. Three groups will have the opportunity to chat with Neil Abramson and receive 12 copies of his book, Unsaid, which is now available in paperback. As a veterinarian, Helena was required to choose when to end the lives of the terminally ill animals in her care. Now that she has died, she is afraid to face them and finally admit to herself that her 37 years of life were meaningless, error-ridden and forgettable. So Helena lingers, a silent observer haunted by the life she left behind --- her shattered attorney husband, David; her houseful of damaged but beloved animals; and her final project, Cindy, a chimpanzee trained to use sign language who may be able to unlock the mysteries of animal communication and consciousness. Groups that have registered with us by Wednesday, August 15th will have the chance to win the books and author chat. If your group is not registered, click here to register.
Among this month’s featured guides is The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin. At the turn of the 20th century, William Talmadge, a reclusive orchardist, tends to apples and apricots. He has always found love and solace among the fruit, but one day two teenage girls steal his fruit from the marketplace. Pregnant and scared, they take up on Talmadge’s land and build a trust with him. When men arrive on the orchard with guns, Talmadge must prepare for a tragedy; in order to protect the girls, he needs to reconcile with his own past. Click here for the guide.
We’re also featuring The Mirrored World by Debra Dean. Born to Russian lower nobility, Xenia, a dreamer who cares little for social conventions, falls in love with Andrei, a charismatic soldier and singer in the Empress’s Imperial choir. Though they are madly in love, their happiness is overshadowed by the demands of life at the royal court and Xenia is obsessed with having a child. But when she finally does, tragedy occurs. Consumed by grief, Xenia mysteriously vanishes and only years later is she found dressed in her husband’s tattered clothes and answering to his name. What happened while she was gone? Click here for the guide.
This week, I announce two new Bookreporter.com Bets On selections, both of which will make for some very interesting (to say the least) book group discussions.
The first is In the Shadow of the Banyan by Vaddey Ratner. A few months ago, two copies of this book came into the office. My son, Greg, grabbed one and read 100 pages on his train ride home and emailed me to say, “This is an incredible book.” By the next day, he had finished it and was hounding me to read it so we could talk about it. When I got a few pages in, I saw why and knew that the voice of seven-year-old Raami was not going to be one I forget anytime soon. The book is set in 1975 after the Cambodian Civil War as Cambodia is overtaken by the Khmer Rouge. Raami and her family, who have a prosperous life, are ousted from their home and held in the clutches of the Khmer Rouge, who move them from camp to camp, where survival under primitive and abusive conditions become the world of her childhood. The genocide killing that follows takes more than two million lives. Click here to see why I’m betting you’ll be blown away by this book and will want to talk about it with your group as soon as possible.
My second pick is City of Women by David R. Gillham, which we gave away advance copies of back in June to 50 lucky readers. Upon reading this book, I felt myself dashing through the streets of Berlin and hiding in the bomb shelters and walking up the stairs with Sigrid to her apartment building where much of the story is set. I cannot imagine a world where you have no idea who to trust and who will betray you. Sigrid is a woman trapped in so many ways...looking for a few moments of joy and happiness. In the end, she is in control of her life as the world continues to spin around her. It’s a story of courage as much as it is of love and longing. Click here to read more of my thoughts on this brilliantly written book.
Also, Bookreporter.com Bets On selections posted in the past few weeks include Tigers in Red Weather by Liza Klaussmann and The Light Between Oceans by M. L. Stedman.
In our new poll, we’d like to know how many books you usually pack for a week-long vacation. As longtime readers know, I am a “book a day” kind of girl, with three backups in case of an emergency!
Though we all love summer, we’re looking ahead to fall with Bookreporter.com’s Fall Preview Feature and Contests. Fall is known as the biggest season of the year for books! The titles that come out in fall often become holiday gifts, and many are blockbusters. On select days this month, we will spotlight a different title and offer a daily contest to win five copies of the book. We also will be sending a special daily newsletter to announce each day's title. You can sign up here to receive the daily newsletter.
Here’s wishing you a great August. May you find some time to just kick back and read --- as well as have some great discussions with your book group!
Carol Fitzgerald ([email protected])
Announcing ReadingGroupGuides.com’s NEW “What Are You Reading?” Monthly Contest Feature: Win 12 Copies of ONE MOUNTAIN AWAY by Emilie Richards for Your Group |
We’re thrilled to announce our NEW “What Are You Reading?” Monthly Contest Feature. To enter, all you have to do is let us know what your group is reading THIS MONTH (August), and you’ll be entered in a giveaway to win multiple copies of a book for your group! We’re kicking off this brand-new feature with One Mountain Away, Emilie Richards’ novel about a tough, do-anything-to-succeed real-estate developer who, after facing her own mortality one terrifying day, realizes that her ambition has almost destroyed her chance at happiness. We have 12 copies of the book, which is now in stores, to give away to five groups. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, September 4th at noon ET.
More about One Mountain Away:
With nothing but brains, ambition and sheer nerve, Charlotte Hale built a career as a tough, do-anything-to-succeed real-estate developer. She’s at the top of that mountain…but her life is empty. Her friends are as grasping and insincere as she has become. Far worse, she's alienated her family so completely that she's totally lost touch with her only daughter.
One terrifying day, facing her own mortality, she realizes that her ambition has almost destroyed her chance at happiness.
So Charlotte vows to make amends, not simply with her considerable wealth, but by offering a hand instead of a handout. Putting in hours and energy instead of putting in an appearance. Opening her home and heart instead of her wallet.
With each wrenching, exhilarating decision, Charlotte finds that climbing a new mountain --- one built on friendship, love and forgiveness --- will teach her what it truly means to build a legacy.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
Click here to read all the contest details.
Special Contest: Win a Copy of THE PIGEON PIE MYSTERY by Julia Stuart for Your Group |
We are celebrating the release of The Pigeon Pie Mystery by Julia Stuart --- a clever murder mystery set in Victorian England --- with a special contest. 25 readers will have the opportunity to each win a copy of the book, which is now in stores, for their group. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, September 4th at noon ET.
More about The Pigeon Pie Mystery:
When Indian Princess Alexandrina is left penniless by the sudden death of her father, the Maharaja of Brindor, Queen Victoria grants her a grace-and-favor home in Hampton Court Palace. Though rumored to be haunted, Alexandrina and her lady's maid, Pooki, have no choice but to take the Queen up on her offer. Aside from the ghost sightings, Hampton Court doesn't seem so bad. The princess is soon befriended by three eccentric widows who invite her to a picnic with all the palace's inhabitants, for which Pooki bakes a pigeon pie. But when General-Major Bagshot dies after eating said pie, and the coroner finds traces of arsenic in his body, Pooki becomes the #1 suspect in a murder investigation.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
Click here to read all the contest details.
Special Contest: Win a Copy of GOODBYE FOR NOW by Laurie Frankel for Your Group |
We are celebrating the release of Goodbye for Now by Laurie Frankel --- an entertaining and warmhearted novel that explores the nature of love, loss and life (both real and computer-simulated) --- with a special contest. Five readers will have the opportunity to each win a copy of the book, which is now in stores, for their group. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, September 4th at noon ET.
More about Goodbye for Now:
Sam Elling works for an Internet dating company, but he still can't get a date. So he creates an algorithm that will match you with your soul mate. Sam meets the love of his life, a co-worker named Meredith, but he also gets fired when the company starts losing all their customers to Mr. and Ms. Right. When Meredith's grandmother, Livvie, dies suddenly, Sam uses his ample free time to create a computer program that will allow Meredith to have one last conversation with her grandmother. Mining from all her correspondence --- email, Facebook, Skype, texts --- Sam constructs a computer simulation of Livvie who can respond to email or video chat just as if she were still alive.
-Click here for the reading group guide.
Click here to read all the contest details.
THE ORCHARDIST by Amanda Coplin |
At the turn of the 20th century in a rural stretch of the Pacific Northwest, a reclusive orchardist, Talmadge, tends to apples and apricots as if they were loved ones. One day, two teenage girls appear and steal his fruit from the market and later return to the outskirts of his orchard to see the man who gave them no chase. Feral, scared and very pregnant, the girls take up on Talmadge’s land and indulge in his deep reservoir of compassion. Just as the girls begin to trust him, men arrive in the orchard with guns, and the shattering tragedy that follows will set Talmadge on an irrevocable course not only to save and protect but to reconcile the ghosts of his own troubled past.
Click here for the reading group guide.
Set against the unparalleled extravagance and artifice of 18th-century St. Petersburg, a world of ice palaces and opera and masquerade balls, The Mirrored World is the reimagined life of St. Xenia, one of Russia’s most beloved holy women. Narrated from the point of view of her younger cousin Dasha, a devoted friend and companion, the novel follows the friends from their younger years in the lower nobility through the tragedy and madness that transforms Xenia into a revered angel of mercy to the poor and a controversial figure to the upper classes.
Click here for the reading group guide.
August’s Registered Book Group Contest: UNSAID by Neil Abramson
For August, we have a very special opportunity for Registered Book Groups. Three groups will be able to chat with Neil Abramson and receive 12 copies of his book, Unsaid, which is now available in paperback. Groups that have registered with us by Wednesday, August 15th will have the chance to win. If your group is not registered, click here to register.
More about Unsaid:
Unsaid is told from the perspective of Helena Colden, a veterinarian who has just died of breast cancer. Helena is forced to witness the rapid emotional deterioration of the beloved husband she has left behind. With Helena's passing, David, a successful Manhattan attorney, loses the only connection that made his life full. He tries to carry on the life that Helena had created for them, but he is too grief-stricken, too angry, and too quickly reabsorbed into the demands of his career. Helena's animals likewise struggle with the loss of their understanding and compassionate human companion. Because of Helena, David becomes involved in a court case to save the life of a chimpanzee that may hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of animal consciousness. Through this case, all the threads of Helena's life entwine and explode --- unexpectedly, painfully, beautifully.
Click here to register your group.
Coming September 29th: Hachette Book Group’s First "Book Group Day" in New York |
A couple of months ago, many of you answered a survey for a publisher about your interest in participating in a day for book group-themed events. I am happy to share that they took your feedback to heart, and ReadingGroupGuides.com will be partnering with the Hachette Book Group to host their first Book Group Day in New York on Saturday, September 29th from 10:30-3:30 at the New York Public Library. Participating authors include Megan Abbott, author of Dare Me; Jami Attenberg, author of The Middlesteins; Stacy Schiff, author of Cleopatra; and Jill Shalvis, author of At Last. There will be a fee of $50, which will include morning refreshments, lunch and, of course, advance reading copies and books!
More details are forthcoming, and signup will be required.
If you have questions at the moment, please contact Ali Coughlin at [email protected] for more information.
In the Shadow of the Banyan by Vaddey Ratner
Two copies of In the Shadow of the Banyan by Vaddey Ratner arrived in the office a few months ago. My son Greg grabbed one, read 100 pages on his train ride home, and emailed me from the train to say, “This is an incredible book.” By the next day, he had finished it and was hounding me to read it so we could talk about it. When I got a few pages in, I saw why and knew that the voice of seven-year-old Raami was not going to be one I forget anytime soon. The book is set in 1975 after the Cambodian Civil War as Cambodia is overtaken by the Khmer Rouge. Raami and her family, who have a prosperous life, are ousted from their home and held in the clutches of the Khmer Rouge, who move them from camp to camp, where survival under primitive and abusive conditions become the world of her childhood. The genocide during this time kills more than two million people.
-Click here to read more of Carol's thoughts about the book.
City of Women by David R. Gillham
City of Women, a debut novel from David R. Gillham, is set in Berlin during World War II at a time when the city has become a city of women as the men are off fighting on various fronts. Picturing wartime Berlin, we typically think of the Nazis with swastikas and artillery moving through the streets or the faces of Jewish families being ushered from their homes. But what of those left behind? Who were they, and what were their stories?
-Click here to read more of Carol's thoughts about the book.
The Light Between Oceans by M. L. Stedman
My son Greg loves lighthouses and has visited more than 300 of them. It all started when he was nine, and we were in Georgia at the St. Simon’s Lighthouse. His most recent “light trip” was to Cape Lookout National Park in North Carolina, where he camped on the beach in April. As a result, we have spent a lot of time with him climbing --- and looking at --- lighthouses. Thus, The Light Between Oceans by M. L. Stedman drew me in with its cover as it brought back some nice memories. But as I started reading, my own thoughts faded into the background as I was plunged right into the story from the six-page prologue.
-Click here to read more of Carol's thoughts about the book.
Tigers in Red Weather by Liza Klaussmann
Tigers in Red Weather by Liza Klaussmann is a wonderfully ambitious debut novel --- told in five voices with twists and turns --- that completely delivers as it rolls from page to page. The setting for most of the story is a vacation home called Tiger House on Martha’s Vineyard, which has been enjoyed by Nick (note: Nick is a woman) and Helena’s families since they were children. Following World War II, Nick married a man named Hughes, and Helena has married as well and moved to California.
-Click here to read more of Carol's thoughts about the book.
Click here to see all the books we’re betting you’ll love.
August’s New in Paperback Roundups on Bookreporter.com |
August’s New in Paperback roundups on Bookreporter.com include the following highlights for book groups:
The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks
High school students Amanda and Dawson were deeply in love. But after unforeseen events tore them apart, the two followed radically divergent paths and became estranged. Now, 25 years later, the funeral of their beloved mentor, Tuck, brings them both back to Oriental, North Carolina. Following instructions Tuck has left for them, Amanda and Dawson are finally forced to confront their painful past.
The Shoemaker’s Wife by Adriana Trigiani
Divine Providence intervenes in the lives of Ciro Lazzari and Enza Ravanelli. The two Italian peasants meet under sad circumstances in their native land. Years later, their paths cross again after Ciro becomes a shoemaker in New York City’s Little Italy, while Enza finds work as a seamstress in New Jersey.
Tiger Hills by Sarita Mandanna
Told in rich, lyrical prose and set against the background of a changing society, Tiger Hills is a sweeping saga about one woman's determination to live life on her own terms --- and a riveting novel about the choices we make in the name of family, nation and love.
What Happened to My Sister by Elizabeth Flock
In this follow-up to Me & Emma, nine-year-old Carrie Parker and her mother have fled their small North Carolina town for a fresh start, when they meet another mother-daughter pair, Honor and Cricket, with a troubled past of their own. Carrie and Cricket become fast friends, especially when they discover a surprising secret that could change both of their lives forever.
-Find out what's New in Paperback for the weeks of August 6th, August 13th, August 20th and August 27th.
Bookreporter.com’s Books on Screen for August |
This year, a number of big movies are releasing for people of all ages during these "dog days of summer."
Among these standout releases is The Bourne Legacy, which stars Jeremy Renner as Aaron Cross, whose life was affected by the events in the first three installments of this blockbuster series. Watch as he figures out how to handle the same situation Jason Bourne was thrust into.
The thrill ride continues in Total Recall, inspired by Philip K. Dick's short story, "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale." In this remake of the 1990 movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Douglas Quaid teams up with a rebel fighter in order to stop Cohagen, the leader of the free world. But on the way, he must discover his true identity and what it really means for him in this life.
Graphic novel fans will be flocking to the theaters to see Chicken with Plums, based on the graphic memoir of the same name. Here is the story of author Marjane Satrapi's great-uncle, a celebrated Iranian musician who gave up his life for music and love.
Looking for some family-friendly entertainment? Then check out Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days. Greg Heffley is back, and this time he devises a plan to keep himself away from this season’s dog days: by pretending to work at a rich country club. As always, though, mishaps follow Greg wherever he goes.
On the small screen, tune in to see the season finales of “Longmire,” “Pretty Little Liars,” “Rizzoli & Isles” and “True Blood”. And just in case you missed them in theaters, Bel Ami, Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax, The Hunger Games, Headhunters, The Lucky One, The Moth Diaries, The Pirates! Band of Misfits and Think Like a Man all release on DVD this month.
Click here to see all the movies, TV shows and DVDs featured in August's Books on Screen.
Contests Running on Other Sites in TheBookReportNetwork.com |
We have a number of contests currently running on our other sites in TheBookReportNetwork.com. Please take a look at them below, and enter for your chance to win some fabulous books!
Fall Preview Contests and Feature
Fall is almost upon us, which is known as the biggest season of the year for books! The titles that come out in fall often become holiday gifts, and many are blockbusters. Here are some publisher picks that we know people will be talking about. On select days through August 31st, we will spotlight a different title and offer a contest to win one of five copies of the book. You will need to check the site each day to see the featured book and enter to win. We also will be sending a special daily newsletter to announce each day's title, which you can sign up for here.
Heron’s Cove by Carla Neggers
We are celebrating the release of Heron’s Cove, the second installment in Carla Neggers’ Sharpe & Donovan romantic suspense series, with a special contest. 50 readers will have the opportunity to win a copy of the book. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, August 28th at noon ET.
One Mountain Away by Emilie Richards
We have 10 gift baskets to give away to readers in celebration of the release of One Mountain Away by Emilie Richards. Each basket includes two signed copies of One Mountain Away, soaps from a store in Asheville that are mentioned in the book, a mousepad with a photo of Asheville --- the book’s setting --- and a special message from Emilie Richards. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, August 21st at noon ET.
Before You Go by James Preller
We are celebrating the release of Before You Go --- the story of a teen boy whose life keeps spinning out of control --- with a special contest. Five readers will have the opportunity to win a copy of James Preller's first young adult novel. The deadline for entries is Friday, August 17th at noon ET.
Grab Bag of Books
Winners of our latest Grab Bag of Books contest will each receive a copy of 52 Reasons to Hate My Father by Jessica Brody, Drain You by M. Beth Bloom, The Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse, A Long Way from You by Gwendolyn Heasley, and So Close to You by Rachel Carter. The deadline for entries is Wednesday, August 15th at noon ET.
The Amish Bride: The Women of Lancaster County, Book 3 by Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould
We are celebrating release of The Amish Bride with a special contest that will give 75 readers the opportunity to win a copy of this third installment in Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould’s Women of Lancaster County series. The deadline for entries is Monday, August 13th at noon ET.
Living in Harmony: The New Beginnings Series, Book 1 by Mary Ellis
We are celebrating the release of Living in Harmony with a special contest that will give 75 readers the opportunity to win a copy of this opening installment in Mary Ellis’s New Beginnings series. The deadline for entries is Monday, August 13th at noon ET.
FaithfulReader.com’s Monthly Contest
In our latest monthly contest, 10 readers each will be awarded a copy of Abducted, the second installment of Janice Cantore's Pacific Coast Justice Series, and Bees in the Butterfly Garden: A Gilded Legacy Novel by Maureen Lang. The deadline for entries is Monday, August 13th at noon ET.
New Guides Now Available |
Bared to You: A Crossfire Novel by Sylvia Day: This international phenomenon features Gideon and Eva, two wounded souls who come together in an explosion of lust and passion as intoxicating as it is devastating.
Goodbye for Now by Laurie Frankel: In the spirit of One Day comes a fresh and warmhearted love story for the 21st century. Sometimes the end is just the beginning…
The Litigators by Lindsay G. Arthur, Jr.: The Litigators is a riveting page-turner that asks if there can be any justice for either party without infliction of a great injustice on the other. This winner-take-all legal battle brings together three tenacious lawyers and their highly worthy clients in a way that forever changes the lives of all.
The Mirrored World by Debra Dean: From Debra Dean, the bestselling author of the critically acclaimed The Madonnas of Leningrad, comes the story of Xenia of St. Petersburg, a breathtaking novel of love and madness set in 18th-century Russia. This is Debra Dean’s first novel since the bestselling The Madonnas of Leningrad.
One Mountain Away by Emilie Richards: After facing her own mortality one terrifying day, a tough, do-anything-to-succeed real-estate developer decides to open her home and heart instead of her wallet.
The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin: The Orchardist is an original and haunting debut novel about a makeshift family in the untamed American West whose lives are shaped by violence, love and the land.
The Pigeon Pie Mystery by Julia Stuart: Julia Stuart returns in her follow-up to the bestselling The Tower, the Zoo and the Tortoise with this clever murder mystery set in Victorian England, brimming with her signature charm and fabulous characters.
Provocateur by Charles D. Martin: Provocateur explores the emergence of Alpha-females in today’s society. It’s a thrilling look into the age-old contest between men and women, set around a complex, enigmatic woman of superior intelligence.
Stress Pandemic: 9 Natural Steps to Survive, Master Stress & Live Well by Paul Huljich: Stress Pandemic explores Paul Huljich’s uniquely powerful and integrated approach to wellness, which will help readers to live stress-free, in a natural and holistic way.
Turquoise: A Love Story by Ayshe Talay-Ongan: Set against transcendent love, unrelenting hatred and loyalties, Turquoise is a passionate love affair, which spans two decades, two marriages and three continents.
Unsaid by Neil Abramson: Does love transcend all boundaries --- including those of death, time and memory? Is the connection between humans and animals stronger and more real than we’ve ever imagined? Neil Abramson skillfully weaves these questions through a moving story that will touch the heart while stimulating reflection and debate.
Wilderness by Lance Weller: Wilderness is a searing debut novel about a soldier’s journey to redemption after the Civil War.
Please note that these titles, for which we already had the guides when they appeared in hardcover, are now or soon will be available in paperback:
The Gap Year by Sarah Bird: As hilarious as it is heartbreaking, The Gap Year is about a single mom and her 17-year-old daughter learning how to let go in that precarious moment before college empties the nest.
An Invisible Thread: The True Story of an 11-Year-Old Panhandler, a Busy Sales Executive, and an Unlikely Meeting with Destiny by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski: When Laura Schroff first met Maurice on a New York City street corner, she had no idea that she was standing on the brink of an incredible and unlikely friendship that would inevitably change both their lives.
The World We Found by Thrity Umrigar: The acclaimed author of The Space Between Us and The Weight of Heaven returns with a breathtaking new novel --- a skillfully wrought, emotionally resonant story of four women and the indelible friendship they share.
The following new guides are now available for Christian book groups:
Abducted: Pacific Coast Justice Series, Book 2 by Janice Cantore: In a desperate search to find her partner's abducted baby, Carly Edwards’ newfound faith is pushed to its limits.
The Director's Cut: Backstage Pass, Book 3 by Janice Thompson: Full of the humor and crazy family dynamics Janice Thompson fans have come to love, this colorful story gives you an inside look at Hollywood and a healthy dose of romance.
The Haven: Stoney Ridge Seasons, Book 2 by Suzanne Woods Fisher: When Sadie Lapp returns to Stoney Ridge with a secret, the rumors begin to fly in her peaceful Amish community.
Joy Takes Flight: Alaskan Skies, Book 3 by Bonnie Leon: She longs for the skies, but life keeps pulling her back to earth. Will Kate finally find a future that satisfies?
Lethal Legacy: Guardians of Justice, Book 3 by Irene Hannon: When a young woman claims her father’s suicide was really murder, Detective Cole Taylor becomes embroiled in an investigation that reveals a startling secret.
A Love Forbidden: Heart of the Rockies, Book 2 by Kathleen Morgan: Set amongst the wilds of the Colorado Rockies in 1879, Kathleen Morgan’s tale explores the transformational power of forgiveness, compassion and God’s healing love with artistry and authenticity.
Waiting for Sunrise: A Cedar Key Novel by Eva Marie Everson: Waiting for Sunrise is a touching story of family, young love, and the need for forgiveness.
This Month’s Poll |
How many books do you typically pack for a week-long vacation?
More than 10
None, I buy books on vacation.
None, I have an eReader.
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This Month’s Newsletter Contest Book: CITY OF WOMEN by David R. Gillham |
Win copies of City of Women by David R. Gillham for your group!
To be a group to win 20 copies of this book, all you have to do is sign up for the ReadingGroupGuides.com newsletter by September 1st. If you are receiving this newsletter in your mailbox, you already are signed up!
More about City of Women:
It is 1943 --- the height of the Second World War. With the men taken by the army, Berlin has become a city of women. And while her husband fights on the Eastern Front, Sigrid Schröder is, for all intents and purposes, the model soldier’s wife: She goes to work every day, does as much with her rations as she can, and dutifully cares for her meddling mother-in-law, all the while ignoring the horrific immoralities of the regime. But behind this façade is an entirely different Sigrid, a woman who dreams of her former Jewish lover, who is now lost in the chaos of the war. Sigrid’s tedious existence is turned upside down when she finds herself hiding a mother and her two young daughters --- whom she believes might be her lover’s family --- and she must make terrifying choices that could cost her everything.
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Carol Fitzgerald ([email protected])
The Book Report Network
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